Study in Slaughter (Schooled in Magic)
her...she made a mental note to spend more time in the library, looking up defensive wards and ways to avoid or counter them. The sergeants possessed years of experience to rig Blackhall so that the students would have a difficult challenge. Doing something as simple as touching the doorknob with her bare hand might trigger a nasty surprise.
    The cold started to seep in again and she shivered, resisting the urge to hug herself or cast a second warming charm. Sergeant Miles gave them all one last grin, then led them away from Blackhall, back towards the school. Emily forced herself to jog faster as Cat and Bran ran past her, leaving her at the rear. Sergeant Bane swiped at her with his baton, barely missing her rear. Gritting her teeth, she pushed herself onwards until they ran back onto the field and came to a halt.
    “You will also attend private training sessions,” Sergeant Miles continued, showing absolutely no signs of exhaustion. Neither he nor Sergeant Harkin had seemed taxed by their exercises. They’d always given the impression that they could go on forever. “Combat sorcery requires one-to-one tuition, particularly for those of you who have not practiced magic for three to four years. Those sessions will be held in the last period; speak to your tutors if they want to put you in a different class at the time. We can fiddle around, to some extent, but you don’t want to have to go to another class after a long training session.”
    Emily nodded in understanding and relief. Last year, every training session had ended with her exhausted and soaked in sweat. Going anywhere but bed had seemed an impossible task. Now, with more advanced magic and exercise, she had the feeling that it would be even worse. She might not have the energy to have a shower before collapsing into bed for a quick rest.
    “And there will be additional physical training,” Sergeant Miles added. “You need to keep your strength and endurance up, or you will be in for a nasty surprise when you are called upon to fight.”
    He looked at Emily for a long moment, meeting her eyes. Lady Barb had to have told him that Emily had frozen when confronted with a potentially deadly threat. Even after Shadye, even after the cockatrice...she’d frozen. If Lady Barb hadn’t been there, Emily and Imaiqah might well have ended up dead. Or worse.
    “There are a handful of spellbooks in the Armory marked out for your attention,” Sergeant Bane said, gruffly. “Do not take them out of the room, just read and master the spells.”
    It was the first time Emily had heard him speak. His accent was thick, as if he’d barely learned how to talk; where, she asked herself, did he come from? On Earth, she would have pegged him as coming from Eastern Europe. Maybe one of the distant lands across the ocean, where the Empire had never been so powerful? It would make sense, she decided thoughtfully. The Empire might have shared a common language, but it wouldn’t have taken such firm roots somewhere thousands of miles from the Empire’s heartlands.
    “But there is another matter we must discuss,” Sergeant Miles said. “Follow me.”
    Emily and the rest of the students obeyed, following him as he jogged up to Whitehall’s walls and led the way through a door that hadn’t been there moments before. Inside, there was a large hall—it reminded her of a gym hall, but with weapons and equipment dangling from the walls—with enough room for all of them to duel. At the head of the room there was a large glass box, lined with rocks, plants and a small pool of water.
    “Look inside the box,” Sergeant Miles said. “What do you see?”
    It took several moments for Emily to see the snake, curled up beside one of the rocks. She’d never liked snakes, but she had to admit that this one was beautiful. It was bright blue, with a golden pattern on its scales that contrasted sharply against the rock. She couldn’t understand why she hadn’t seen it at once. It should

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