Stuart, Elizabeth

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Book: Stuart, Elizabeth by Without Honor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Without Honor
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toward their mounts.
"Per'aps we'll just be takin' 'em. Along with anything else ye have."
sorry, but I can't let you do that," Alex said softly. "We've need of
them just now. However, I can promise you a half dozen just like them in a
week's time."
man swung around, dark eyes blazing. "And I can promise ye a quick trip to
didn't flinch. "Are you daft, man? I'm telling you I'm a friend of John
Armstrong. Lord Bothwell of Hailes will speak for me as well."
a quick tongue, lad, but I see no proof. A man with great friends the likes o'
them wouldn't be travelin' alone save for a greensick youth. Not through
sent a quick glance over his shoulder. "Tom, take the gent's sword and
dagger and check inside his doublet. See to the lad as well. Rob, search the
saddles. They might be carryin' somethin' I've a mind to."
stood quietly while the churlish Tom unfastened his doublet and jerked the
weapons from his belt. He sent Jonet a steadying glance as the man moved close
to assure himself she wore no weapons.
held herself in tightly, refusing to scream, refusing even to flinch as the man
slit the buttons from her doublet and lifted it out a few inches from her
waist. Then blessedly, he moved away.
quick survey of the oiled cloth pack behind Alexander's saddle turned up
nothing but food and clothing. The outlaw named Rob glanced up in disgust.
"Naught here worth better'n a few shillings."
bearded man jabbed a finger at Alexander. "You, off with the doublet. The
lad too. Strip to yer hose."
sent Alexander a frantic glance. He stepped forward. "Search me if you
like, but leave the boy alone. He's frightened half out of his wits."
bearded man began to grin. "So he's carryin' somethin' is he? I'd an idea
we'd find a mite sooner or later. Most folks squawk when we skin 'em. You, Rob,
see what he's got."
smiled. "Well, actually, it's not what you think, but there's value of a
kind all the same." He sent Jonet a hard look. "Step forward, lass,
and be properly introduced."
grinned at the outlaw. "A wench I picked up at a tavern in Jedburgh. Makes
the traveling more comfortable for a man, if you know what I mean."
heard him in horror, realizing she was suddenly the target for every eye. The
men were studying her with an alert interest that made her flesh crawl.
outlaw chief gave a coarse laugh. "A scrawny pullet, too reedy for my
taste. Still and all we've little enough choice here and beggars can't be
choosers. Well, lass, off with it and let's see what we've got."
felt the blood drain from her face. She stared at Alexander, unable to believe
this was happening, unable to understand how he could be standing in the midst
of this nightmare with such cool detachment.
an ugly grin, the man named Rob stepped forward and dragged off her doublet.
The wind struck an instant chill against her skin, and she knew every curve of
her body must be visible through her wet shirt.
a moment no one spoke. The only sound was the soft hiss of rushing water at her
back. She had an instant vision of flinging herself back into the muddied burn.
    "Jonet!" Alexander
snapped. "Remember what I told you."
lifted terrified eyes to his. Across the short expanse of ground, his cool gaze
was steady, reassuring, reminding her as surely as if he had spoken.
matter what I do, follow my lead.
not this. Surely he couldn't mean this!
turned casually to the outlaw chief. "She's docile enough, usually does
what she's told, I've found. A pity more females don't." He turned back.
"Jonet, lass, take off the shirt."
stomach twisted with a sickening lurch. Her pulse pounded in her ears. This
scene was far beyond any her sheltered childhood had ever enabled her to
imagine. She wanted to run but her knees felt like jelly, to scream but she
knew it would do no good. And besides, Alexander was still staring at her with
that odd, intense

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