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Book: strongholdrising by Lisanne Norman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisanne Norman
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of the excitement we'd have missed!" Chuckling, he turned for the Profit 's ramp, gesturing his crew to precede him. "You'll be Annuur's friend for at least a week because of the candy!" he called over his shoulder.

    * * *
    Carrie had been aware of a growing gulf between her and Kusac when she'd returned to the room after first meal, so she was surprised when Banner called her on her wrist comm as they were on their way back up in the elevator, telling her that Kusac wanted to talk to her.

"You go," said Kaid. "I have some business to attend to. It won't take me long. I'll meet you in our room in an hour or so."

Sitting on the bed, she watched Kusac pace the length of the room several times before stopping in front of her. Crouching down on his haunches, he reached out a tentative hand to her knee.

"I'm sorry about last night," he said, his ears folding back against his skull in embarrassment. "I'm finding relate to everything right now. I hadn't realized I relied so much on my Talent when I was with you. Without it, it's as if I'm blind and deaf. I need some time alone. I don't want what happened last night to happen again. That's why I'm going back on the Couana, with T'Chebbi."

She reached out to touch his cheek, aware of the pain she could see in his amber eyes. "Kusac, talk to me. Whatever it is, we can work it out together. Don't try to do it alone."

"When I know what I want to talk about, I will. I have to get used to being alone, Carrie," he said, breaking eye contact with her.

"But I've just got you back!" She tried to keep the pleading tone out of her voice.

"It's only for two weeks," he said with finality, getting up and going to the door to open it. "Our world has changed for all of us. I have to learn to accept we're no longer Leskas, and that will be impossible on a ship the size of the Hkariyash. I'll see you again at Chagda Station, when you transfer to the Couana to go down to Shola."

"Kusac," she began.

"Don't ask me to travel with you, Carrie, I can't," he said, face creasing in distress before he abruptly left the room.

Shola, Lygoh Space Port, Zhal-S'Asha, 19th day (October)

Leaving her like that had not been easy when every part of him cried out for her company. It had been the first of many such decisions he'd had to make, in every area of his life.

Ahead, he could see the spaceport, the landing lights on the active bays visible despite the driving rain. He pushed his memories aside; time to focus on the task at hand. He reached for his wrist comm, keying in the code that linked him to his team.

"I'm overhead now. Everything ready?"

"Yes, Captain. The Couana is ours, fueled and waiting for you."

Dzaou's voice sounded strained. Doubtless he'd find out why soon enough. "Problems?"

"None, sir. Captain Kishasayzar's diversion worked. Port Control assumes we're still running engine checks, so we're ready to lift off immediately you're on board."

"Meet me as arranged in fifteen minutes," he said and cut the connection, dismissing the matter from his mind as he fought the turbulence to bring his aircar down into the parking lot. Now came the difficult part— being noticed enough to be remembered, but not enough to be prevented from planting the signal disruptor.

Powering the vehicle down, he pulled his card from the ignition slot, unlocked his seat, and swung it round to face the rear. His personal kit was already on board the Couana, taken there by Banner. All he needed was the bag that lay on the rear seat.

Standing up, he grasped his coat, pulling it on and sealing it closed before grabbing the bag. Slinging it over his shoulder, he stepped to the door, pressing his palm to the lock. It slid back, letting in an icy blast of rain. He jumped down to the ground, hitting the close button as he did. Flattening his ears and leaning into the wind, he began to head toward the main terminal building.

The automatic doors slid back, enveloping him instantly in a cocoon

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