Streaking for Silver (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 2)

Streaking for Silver (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 2) by LV Lewis Page B

Book: Streaking for Silver (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 2) by LV Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: LV Lewis
him to ward off the prospect of an attack.
    “Hi, you must be very excited,” she smiled at him as she offered him her hand.
    “You can say that again. This is my first trip to the Olympics,” he said, shaking her hand. “Hunter Fitzpatrick.”
    “Mine, too, Hunter. Solange Marcus.” He noticed a pair of perfect white teeth and sexy dimples that formed on her cheeks when she smiled at him. As he sat down, she continued, “I really hate flying and I was hoping I would get someone that I could talk to during take-off and landing.”
    “Solange.” Hunter said her name as if he were worshipping a deity. Then mentally shook himself for being such a dork. “You have nothing to worry about as long as I’m by your side. I'll be right here for you,” he said. His eyes travelled briefly over her body as she gripped the armrest between them and looked nervously out the window. He like what he saw very much.
    Solange was wearing an oversized T shirt and leggings that traced over toned thighs in a way that made his imagination go wild. As she adjusted in her seat, he could see the outline of a firm pair of breasts and Hunter had to look away quickly, so he wouldn’t seem like a pervert, as she turned back to him.
    “So, are you going to the Olympics as a tourist, or are you also an athlete?” she asked, as her own eyes roamed appreciatively over his body, studying him keenly in a manner that told him she was interested, too.
    “Well, I'm actually on the swimming team.” he said, as her blue eyes locked with his.
    “Oh, really? I don’t know all the athletes at LSU, but I’ve never heard of you.”
    There was no inflection of negativity in her tone, so Hunter continued to engage her in conversation.
    “Probably not, because I just made the national team this year,” Hunter said to her as the plane’s engines began firing up in readiness for takeoff.
    “Holy crap! Here comes one of the moments that I hate most in life,” she said nervously, and he could see her hand trembling slightly.
    Without thinking twice, Hunter grabbed her hand and squeezed it as she held onto his tightly. He had never seen anyone look so vulnerable. He felt sorry for Solange. On impulse, he reached for the ever-present barf-bag with his free hand and demonstrated how she should hold it to her mouth.
    “This is a trick my mother taught us to do when we were young, breathe in and then out in long deep breaths and it will make you feel much better,” he said to her as the plane began to move forward.
    She took the bag eagerly from his hand with one of her own and did as he told her, breathing in and out of the paper bag as the plane took off. She continued clinging onto his hand as he squeezed hers, and Hunter couldn’t understand why he felt as if there was some sort of connection between them. He was certain he felt something stirring deep within him, something that he couldn’t quite comprehend.
    Maybe he was just imagining things because it had been such a long time that he had been with a woman. But even the scent of her perfume along with her natural scent had every nerve within his body alive in ways that he hadn’t experienced before. He had to force his mind away from those thoughts. Those feelings were probably occurring because of the pressure he was under from competing in the games and they would probably be gone within no time.
    “Wow, this paper bag trick really worked.” Solange breathed a sigh of relief, releasing his hand and putting the paper bag away. “I think you’re the best companion I could’ve gotten to sit next to me on all the flights I’ve ever taken. Here, I owe you one.”
    Before Hunter knew what was happening, Solange leaned over and pecked him lightly on the cheek. He felt a surge of heat spreading through him in the strangest way, his blood coming to a flash boil. He was not supposed to react like this, because this was just an innocent kiss, but yes he had, and he could even feel something stirring

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