Storms of Passion

Storms of Passion by Lori Power Page A

Book: Storms of Passion by Lori Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Power
Tags: Contemporary, On the Road
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brushed over her like a warm caress. His hand behind her head held her as he deftly explored her lips. His mouth was fresh and inviting, tasting like the salt sea air.
    As quickly as the kiss began, it was over. He leaned back casually as though he did this kind of thing every day. Perhaps he did. Standing, he held out his hand. “We better get going. We have some ground to cover.”
    Her legs wobbled as she stood, but she refused his offer to help, hoping to show as little reaction to the kiss as he was. Did he take all of the tourists out and causally kiss them on the beach, rocking their world and making the angels sing, only to carry on as though nothing happened?
    With hardly a word spoken on the way back, he dropped her off at the door of the Inn like a perfect gentleman.
    She replayed the kiss in her mind as she paced her room. She had never been kissed like that before.Tuck’s kiss made her knees weak and he what—just walked away, unfazed? Was this an everyday experience for him?
    The picnic had been so lovely. They shared memories and got to know each other. She was more comfortable with Tuck than she had ever been with another man. She connected to him.
    The whole ride back, Vivian hoped he would pull over and kiss her again. How she wanted his lips on hers again, to feel that instant passion. The sensation he created in her core from the brush of his finely molded lips was completely new. But then he dropped her off at the door as chaste as a brother. Only dropping a light kiss on her cheek and telling her he would see her soon.
    Vivian’s hand cupped her cheek where his lips had last touched, and then let her hand fall. Soon? What did that mean? Where she came from you don’t kiss and run. Her clenched hands relaxed and rested on her hips, as she walked to the window. Maybe Tuck didn’t like kissing her? But a woman would know—would sense his dislike. Right?
    He’s obvious not into her. She should have known from his lame-ass remark at the airport. Well, it was his loss. She wouldn’t be left at the door as though she were a child. She was on vacation and wanted to have some fun. It was still light outside and she wasn’t going to bed yet.
    Determinedly fixing her hair and makeup, Vivian decided to walk down the main street and see what the town held in the way of nightlife. She had never been one for going to bars, but this was the new Vivian and she wanted to go out and meet people. Tuck couldn’t be the only good looking guy in town. If there was one, there were bound to be more.
    She grabbed her purse and sweater, and walked down the stairs, tip-toeing as though she was sneaking out of her parent’s house for a hot date.

Chapter Seven
    Vivian walked the entire downtown core and to her horror there seemed to be only two places to choose from for an evening drink. Seedy and seedier, otherwise referred to as the Tavern and Bullets. Each boarded the main street across from one another. She stood on the curb, eyeing them wearily and then remembered that Marston indicated he worked at the Tavern. Without further pondering, in she went.
    You could have heard a pin drop when she opened the large mahogany door and entered the taproom. Javex, with a hint of left over vomit, perfumed the air as she made her way to a table in the furthest corner of the room. The men, for most of them present were men by Vivian’s estimation, looked as though they had been carved from the same mahogany as the furnishings. They stood so wooden, blending in with the general decor. Only sheer will-power and bravado kept Vivian from turning tail running out. This was a small town on the Eastern Seaboard, what could possibly happen?
    Platinum blond hair streaked with a bold pattern of purple and red stalked toward her table. “What can I get for you this evenin’?”
    Vivian kept her purse on her lap. The squat, solidly-built woman who appeared to be in her mid fifties, and well-use to dealing with trouble, waited for an

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