Storm Warning
the night train pass through.
    “Hey, what happened here?” he asked, pulling her from her thoughts. She watched him place his long masculine fingers gently against a blackened spot on the trunk of the old elm they were planting the flowers around.
    “Lightning. It was struck a few years ago.”
    He turned his confused face to hers. “And it lived?”
    She nodded. “The roots were really strong. So no matter what happens to the outside, it can still thrive. If the really important parts are buried deep enough, isn’t really much that can destroy them.”
    “Huh.” He actually looked impressed. Mr. I’m-So-Cool-Nothing-Fazes-Me.
    Ella Jane took a deep breath before she spoke. “Um, I think I might head down to The Ridge tonight actually. I’m going to take a run first, since my track coach is going to kill me if I lose time this summer. But then I was going to watch the trains for a while. If you’re not doing anything…”
    “I’m not doing anything,” Hayden answered, causing her to grin like an idiot.
    “Okay. I’ll grab some sandwiches or something after my run and bring ’em up.”
    “Whoa. If there’s food, I’m pretty sure it’s a date.”
    “You wish.” EJ bit her lip to keep from admitting that maybe she wished too.
    “Oh I do wish. I’m not like your friend Joe. I say what I want. And usually I get it.” His words made her mouth feel funny, dried out, and like her tongue was suddenly thicker.
    EJ licked her lips in an attempt to wet her mouth. “Um, Joe?”
    Hayden smirked. “Yeah, Joe Dirt, your brother’s buddy. He’s watching us right now. And if looks could kill, it’d be me you were digging a hole for instead of these flowers. But you already know that, don’t you?”
    “Um.” EJ busied herself burying the roots of the next plant. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    “Sure you do. You like it that he’s jealous. If I’m being honest, which I try not to do if I can help it, I like it too. Let the poor bastard look.”
    “You’re so full of yourself.” EJ went to swat him in the chest but he caught her wrist.
    “This is true. Funny thing is, half the time you forget to check if he’s watching before you flirt with me. Wonder why that is?”
    Her blood burned hot, but she wasn’t sure if it was because he was calling her out or if because what he said was true. “I swear, Hayden Prescott. Just when I think you’re a decent guy, you go and act like such an ass. Wonder why that is?” EJ stood, yanking her wrist from his grip as she spoke. “And by the way, you can keep wishing all you want. It’s not a date whether there’s food or not. It’s a date when I say it’s a date. And if I’m being honest, which I always am, you probably couldn’t handle me anyways.”
    He mumbled something that sounded a lot like “I’d sure like to try” before she stormed out of earshot.
    The nerve. Ugh. That boy had zero brain-to-mouth filter. And he was so freaking cocky.
    She was still lost in thought when she heard the unmistakable sound of gravel flying in the driveway. She glanced up just in time to see Coop’s truck disappearing. It was the first time he’d ever come by and not even said so much as hello to her.
    Whatever. They were all the same. City boys, country boys, overprotective brother boys, disappearing dads. They all gave her a headache and made her feel like her every move was somehow wrong.
    She couldn’t think straight for the rest of the day. Every time she looked up, Hayden seemed to be purposely ignoring her. Well, two could play at that game. And if he didn’t show at The Ridge tonight, then screw him. She’d already had her heart broken once this summer. The last thing she needed was some I-get-what-I-want city boy twisting her all up inside.
    B Y the time she’d finished her evening run, she had sworn off whatever attraction she felt to Hayden Prescott. Sure, he was good looking. And he got her sense of humor. And he didn’t mind

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