Stocking Fillers - Erotica
shaved pussy, all wet and willing.
    He licks his
lips but before he can move in on me I slide back down rubbing my
breasts against his front sinking onto his lap until my pussy
connects with that big gun he's got stuffed in his jeans, ready to
shoot his live ammunition into my sopping throbbing honey pot. I
hear him growl when I make a move to unzip him and he springs up,
grabs me by the waist and guides me out of the room into the
bedroom to a round of applause from his mate. For the first time
since I started lap dancing I get to take someone into the back
    I pick up
where I left off, easing his massive hard on out of the boxers and
give it a big lick.
Christmas Keith,' I say and enclose him in my mouth.
    'Yeh, baby.
You certainly surprised me,' he replies
    I'm sucking
away but stop to say 'Not half as much as the surprise you gave me,
bringing your mate round!'
    Yes, this is a
whole lot of love on Christmas day.

    T.H. Rusty
    Christmas eve.
    Snow gently
floats down from the sky, coating the city in a blanket of winter
wonderland. Festive lights glow around every corner, greens and
reds lighting the sky. Marching through this biscuit tin version of
the holidays is Michael, his arms tucked under his coat. Unlike
everyone else he is passing tonight his head is not looking up at
the lights and sparkle. His head is down, nestled deep in his
    To anyone
passing him he looks like a guy who doesn't enjoy the cold, or
perhaps this time of season. In actual fact he loves this time of
year. Problem is, he's forgotten to buy one last present. Late
working nights and deadlines upon deadlines have not left Michael
with much time for the little things. Things like this, making sure
he has everything ready for when the family turn up and the awkward
conversations begin. But of course he's forgotten Aunt Violets
himself in to the nearest shop his mission is simple: find
anything. It's not like any of them really look at the gifts you
give them anyway, it's symbolic more than thoughtful. Dusting the
remnants of snow from his coat he scans the department store
looking for something quick and easy to buy, so to spend as little
time on this as possible. As he continues to look around though his
eyes glance over a young thin man dressed poorly as an elf. Big
mistake. With alarming speed the elf rushes over, arms almost glued
to his side. His smile is wide and beaming, seeming incredibly fake
at this time of night. His well gelled hair catches every speck of
light, blinding Michael in an instant.
    'And a good
evening and merry Christmas to yourself sir! Can I help you with
anything tonight?'
    His energy
startles Michael in to life, probably the result of far too much
coffee and not a lot of sleep.
    'Oh no, just
browsing thanks.'
    'Well do take
your time, and if you need ANYTHING at all, don't hesitate to find
    Michael looks
around awkwardly for a second, trying not to look him in the eyes
    'Ok, will
    The elf
sprints off in search of other desperate prey leaving Michael to
find this illusive present. The problem Michael thinks is not that
he hasn't a clue what she's like...just he has no idea what she
    His saviour
though comes in the form of a bored looking woman behind the
jewellery counter. Leaning over and admiring the shiny trinkets, he
can't help but peek down her top. While on the thin guy the elf
costume looked ill fitting, on her it is perfect. Tightly formed
around her it looks like her bust is ready to explode out of it.
She looks up as he walks over, a small 'how can I help' smile works
its way across her face. Pulling herself upright he is allowed a
better look at her. The stretchy material makes her look like the
best present ever, her auburn hair tied up as if they are her
    'And what can
I help you with today sir?' she asks, an air of sarcasm to her
    'A late
present for an Aunt who I am pretty sure won't even look at

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