State's Evidence: A Beverly Mendoza Legal Thriller
any worse! He was only pretending. He doesn’t know me at all and
probably not you either! I want Gramps back, like before.”
    Beverly wrapped her arms around her son,
holding onto him for dear life. They were both crying.
    “He’s never going to be the same Grandpa you
remember, Jaime,” she said, anguished, but honest. “I wish I could
say differently. He’s an old man with a memory disease that’s
incurable and only going to get worse. All we can do at this point
is pray that Papa can somehow live out his days in relative comfort
and peace.”
    Jaime seemed to accept this for the moment;
even as Beverly tried to come to terms with what seemed like a tall
    * * *
    That afternoon while Jaime went
skateboarding, Beverly took the opportunity to do some neglected
yard work. She had once had an impressive flower garden, but had
been unable to keep up with it in recent years. Now she promised
herself to give it another try next spring. Maybe grow some
perennials and plant some bulbs.
    Beverly spent an hour doing aerobics in the
den and another half hour on a stationary bike, deciding she could
use a bit more firming here and there. Everyone told her she was in
great shape, which she strived to be. Grant seemed especially
pleased with her body. But, like most women, she always felt a
constant need for improvement. Maintaining a steady workout regimen
as a full time Mom and attorney was a challenge to say the least.
Yet it was one Beverly was determined to keep up with for peace of
mind and fitness.
    Later Beverly listened to messages retrieved
from her voice mail at work. Most had to do with various aspects of
her caseload, requests for interviews, and even an offer to join a
prestigious law firm. She had entertained such offers in the past,
but never seriously. She loved working for the D.A.’s office, even
if sometimes it could be a real pain in the ass. Mostly the work
managed to tap into her skills effectively and challenge her mind
in ways she could never have imagined.
    One message in particular that caught
Beverly’s ear came from a Detective Stone Palmer of the Wilameta
County Sheriff’s Department.
    “Ms. Mendoza, I just talked to a woman
writing a true crime book on the Suzanne Landon case. Her name is
Lydia Wesley. I’m sure you know the crime originated in Monroe
County, but ended up being prosecuted in Wilameta County. How Ms.
Wesley got my name, I’ll never know, since my role as a secondary
investigator in what turned out to be Ms. Landon’s murdering her
rich boyfriend was only minimal in the scheme of things. Anyway, to
make a long story short, I referred her to you since you prosecuted
the case. So don’t be surprised if she comes your way. Bye
    Beverly rolled her eyes. She had little time
right now for someone seeking to exploit a murder for personal
gain. Much like Suzanne Landon had herself. With any luck, this
Lydia Wesley would forget that Detective Palmer had ever given her
name as a source of information.
    The last message came from Grant, who said,
“Just wanted to say that I miss you and loved being with you the
other day, in every way...” He paused, as if weighing whether to
say anything else. “If I play my cards right, I should have some
dynamic news to share with you on Monday, baby. I’d better leave it
at that for now, so as not to jinx myself—”
    Beverly smiled. Wonder what news that might
be? She kept her fingers crossed that he would get the judgeship
even as she also recalled the last time they were together. It made
her hot just replaying the intimate nature of the occasion.
    As for her, she would have to settle for
promotions within the D.A.’s office for the moment, Beverly mused.
These she saw perfectly within reach, so long as she continued
heading in the right direction.
    Starting with a successful prosecution of
Rafael Santiago.

    Manuel watched his old lady stuff her face
with chili and corn bread, downing it with cheap

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