    She pressed her bare heels into the small of his back and sighed softly when he began to trace every contour of her face with the tips of his thumbs. “ would have to be a spectacular man indeed to convince me to do so,” she finally whispered.
    “But you would do so?”
    She hesitated.
    “Esther, please – I must know!”
    Her hands shook as she reached up to caress the Comte’s face with as much intimacy as he was doing to her. “If I found a man whom I could not live without, a man who could convince me that he was worth taking that risk upon…then yes.”
    Emboldened by the touch of her hand, Tristan closed his eyes to revel in it before capturing her ear between his lips and kissing it gently, too afraid to see her response to his next words. “And in little more than a day, Esther, you will be living without me.”
    Her breath hitched. It was a truth that she had been hiding from ever since she had realised how very much she wanted the salacious Comte for her own. “Just a – just a day?”
    “Give or take a few hours, ma belle .” He slowly rocked his hips against hers, deliberately grinding against her clitoris as he rested his mouth against her fluttering pulse point. “I hope, Esther, that that does not cause you more pain?”
    “But you know that it does.”
    Her soft words were barely audible, but in the still of the bedchamber Tristan heard them – and thrilled in them. He covered her parted lips with his own again as he slipped his arms underneath her body and rolled onto his side to cradle her against his chest. The intimacy of their entwined bodies was far more than he had ever had or wanted with any other woman, but with Esther it felt entirely right.
    When he broke the kiss, fresh tears were shining in her heavy-lidded eyes. As they began to silently fall, he wiped each one away as the slow, steady thrusts of his cock inside her lifted her effortlessly towards a powerful, all-consuming climax.
    “ Je t’adore , Esther,” Tristan whispered painfully as he felt the heat of her tight muscles contract around his cock and she cried out her pleasure. “ Je t’adore, mon ange .”
    Esther was exhausted by all the emotion she felt and the release of the slow-building and intense orgasm, but she sought deep within her for the strength to respond to the words that had flown from Tristan’s lips. Her hands shook wildly as she touched his face and kissed him again before hiding her face in his shoulder. “This week with you has been spectacular, my comte – my Tristan. You have shown me such pleasure; but more importantly, you have given me back the sense of self-worth and confidence that I lost so long ago. How can I ever thank you?”
    Her wavering words were both a thrill and fresh heartache – for once more they were laden with the unshakeable weight of the nearness of their parting. “The gift of you sharing yourself with me is more than enough, Esther – for you are perfect, in every way!”
    With a low, agonised groan, he fisted his hands in her hair and jerked his cock out of her as, without barely a warning, his orgasm stole over him. A feverish wave of heat exploded outwards as Esther caressed his face and kissed his racing pulse point.
    Tristan craved her. Even as his climax burned inside his body he needed more of her – and she needed him. Now that she had finally revealed just how much, he was determined never to let her go. He steeled his courage and lifted his heavy head to look down at her. “You realise that tomorrow is the last day that we can spend together in secret like this, Esther.”
    Esther held back her tears as she revealed something that she knew he would not want to hear – something that, in truth, she wished were not so. “Yes, but we will have to be even more careful than we have been this past week – my uncle arrives tomorrow.”
    He inhaled sharply. “The Earl Montfort?”
    “And his daughter. Yes.”
    “They will no doubt wish to

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