Star Wars Journal - Hero for Hire by Han Solo

Star Wars Journal - Hero for Hire by Han Solo by Donna Tauscher Page A

Book: Star Wars Journal - Hero for Hire by Han Solo by Donna Tauscher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Tauscher
Peace, huh? You’ve got your peace while Jabba’s wreaking havoc on half the galaxy?
    Sai’da: He is not our concern.
    Han: Well, he’s my concern, monk man, and if you’re not pals with Jabba, how come you know I’m here?
    Sai’da: We monks are aware of all that goes on in the palace. We have a mystical intuition into the inner lives of certain people. You have come to my attention. I am a historian and I am interested in your history.
    Jabba accommodates some of our requests as he has a primitive fear of our powers. He provided me with access to your cell.
    Han: Jabba’s afraid of something? That’s a good one. You might just be somebody I want to know after all. So, tell me, were you aware of me and my history while I was doing my act as the frozen man?
    Sai’da: Yes, but only vaguely.
    Han: And this intuition you have? Can you use it to tell me about Leia?
    Sai’da: I can tell you that she has a powerful force inside her that is not diminished by captivity.
    Han: I could have pretty much told you that myself. I was thinking of something a little more helpful. But still… what do you think, Chewie?
    Chewbacca: Waurrgh. Rrmph.
    Han: Maybe. The monk knows this place better than we do, that’s for sure. I guess we don’t have anything to lose. You seem to be our only option, Sai’da, my man.
    Sai’da: As I said, I don’t wish to raise your hopes. I am a historian and I seek to record your story. My usefulness as an escape artist is, I’m afraid, limited. To put it mildly.
    Han: At least you’re honest. Maybe. But do you think you could answer a few questions along the way?
    Sai’da: Perhaps. As I’m able.
    Han: All right, you can start by telling me what you look like.
    Sai’da: That’s irrelevant. Only the mind matters.
    Han: Are you kidding me? You’ve been in this dungeon too long, mister, trust me. Try getting yourself frozen up in carbonite for… how long was I a wall ornament, Chewie?
    Chewbacca: Awwrk.
    Han: A year? A year. I’m surprised my brain hasn’t turned into a big piece of slug gel.
    Whew. I’m not enjoying this. Being blind. I feel cornered, like someone could come at me and I’d never know what hit me. It’s not how I’m used to operating. How long exactly do you think I’ll be this way?
    Sai’da: I’m afraid that, once again, I can be of no help. I heard that you were suffering from hibernation sickness, but I have no idea how long it lasts. I believe your time in carbonite was a bit of an experiment.
    Han: Great. That’s helpful.
    Sai’da: I apologize for my lack of knowledge in this area. Perhaps as you’re waiting for your sight to return, you could begin telling me a bit of your history.
    Han: Didn’t you just say something a while ago about you monks studying your private philosophies and keeping to yourselves?
    Sai’da: As a historian, I am a bit different from my fellow monks. By necessity I have an interest in that which takes place beyond my order. It is sometimes a struggle, this difference in outlook.
    Han: I can relate to that. I’m an outsider myself. In any case, I guess I’m stuck sitting here. It’s not like I’m going to plan a big escape in this condition. Maybe I oughta just talk to you and get my mind off the situation. Maybe you’ll see what a swell kind of guy I am and be a little more helpful.
    No comment? That’s okay. You’ve got the patience and I’ve got the time.
    Well, now, I’ve never been a reflective kind of guy, but now that I think about it, you’ve caught me—so to speak—at a good time. I haven’t had much of a chance to chat lately, master mind, so I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to make some sense out of all this. At least if I die, the Han Solo legend will live on.
    Chewbacca: Varawrk!
    Han: Not funny, Chewie. Hey, I haven’t officially introduced you to Chewbacca, my first mate. I’m sure he’ll have a few things to say unless he’s changed a lot this past year. Seems like other people have changed, right, Chewie?

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