Star-Crossed Mates

Star-Crossed Mates by Scarlet Hyacinth Page A

Book: Star-Crossed Mates by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: Romance, Romance MM, erotic MM
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the virus, and with that gone, our world can at last be at peace.”
    “But how can ferals and spirit wolves ever get along?” Klaus asked, in confusion.
    “You’ll find a way,” the Spirit Mother replied. A white wolf appeared in front of him, and Klaus recognized her in an instant.
    “Now come,” she added. “Your mates are waiting.”
    Klaus couldn’t have said “no” if he wanted to. A force too strong to resist propelled him out of his current location—wherever it might be. He opened his eyes to a wide, cavernous room. After a few moments, the dizziness dissipated and he recognized it as the funeral chamber in the Magistrate’s Den.
    Forcing his stiff muscles to work, Klaus got up and climbed off the slab holding him. In front of the pedestal stood the majestic figure of the White Wolf. But he could not focus on the Spirit Mother, as he searched for two other people in the room. At last, his eyes fell on Ross and Clay. He could have wept in relief.
    “Go,” the Spirit Mother whispered. “This moment is for you.”

    Star-Crossed Mates
    In a flash, Klaus separated the distance between him and his two mates. Ross and Clay’s arms went around him. “Oh, Klaus…” Clay sobbed. “I thought we’d lost you.”
    “I can’t believe this,” Ross murmured. “Are you real?”
    Klaus chuckled and broke the embrace. His head felt light with the realization of what he’d lost and had been gifted back. “Very real.”
    When he stepped away from his mates, he realized they were no longer in the funeral room. Instead, they’d somehow been transported to his chambers.
    “Wow…” Ross said, sounding breathless. “That’s amazing. Are you sure this isn’t a dream?”
    Clay pinched himself then Ross. Apparently, this persuaded Ross because he grinned. “Okay, I’m convinced now. And if it is a dream, I don’t want to wake up. Ever.”
    The joy in Ross’s voice held the lingering traces of sorrow, panic, and disbelief. Klaus could sense the same emotions in Clay. He wondered how much his mates suffered during his absence.
    He’d disappointed them so much, always putting his duty in front of his affection for them. But no longer. Now, he was finally free.
    Now, he could love them like they deserved.
    “Ross, Clay,” he began hesitantly. “This is a second chance. Are you willing to start something new with me? You don’t have to give me an answer now. I—”
    His words were cut off by Clay’s mouth crushing his. Klaus’s eyes widened, but he gladly accepted his mate’s sweet assault. Not one to be passive, he retaliated with all the pent-up passion he’d preserved for Clay all these long years.
    When their mouths separated, they were both breathing hard. “We may have issues,” Clay said, “but we’ll surpass them, together. No more hesitation, no more guilt.”
    A distant voice inside Klaus’s head made him wonder if Clay was truly willing to forgive him, just like that. He pushed the doubts away, 84
    Scarlet Hyacinth
    focusing on the moment. Yes, he’d just been given another chance, and he’d take advantage of it.
    He took Clay’s hand then Ross’s and pulled his mates toward the bedroom. His heart thundered as if he were a virgin before the wedding night. He feared they would refuse him, but they didn’t.
    Instead, the trip to the sleeping quarters turned into a journey of sensuality, as they proceeded to remove each other’s clothing.
    By the time they reached the bedroom, a trail of shirts, pants and jackets lay behind them while they greedily explored naked skin.
    Klaus pushed Ross on the mattress and pounced on top of the young man. He didn’t go any further, though. He wanted to make sure Ross was ready for this.
    “Are you sure?” he asked his mate.
    Ross nodded. “Like you said, you and I knew each other before we actually met. I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.”
    Klaus didn’t hesitate again. He pressed his mouth to Ross’s, coaxing his mate’s

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