Spy Killer
just over twelve months is yet another piece of the L. Ron Hubbard legend. But the fact remains, he did indeed author a ten-volume dekalogy that lives in publishing history for the fact that each and every volume of the series was also a New York Times bestseller.
    Moreover, as subsequent generations discovered L. Ron Hubbard through republished works and novelizations of his screenplays, the mere fact of his name on a cover signaled an international bestseller. . . . Until, to date, sales of his works exceed hundreds of millions, and he otherwise remains among the most enduring and widely read authors in literary history. Although as a final word on the tales of L. Ron Hubbard, perhaps it’s enough to simply reiterate what editors told readers in the glory days of American Pulp Fiction:
    He writes the way he does, brothers, because he’s been there, seen it and done it!

The Stories from the
Golden Age
    Your ticket to adventure starts here with the Stories from the Golden Age collection by master storyteller L. Ron Hubbard. These gripping tales are set in a kaleidoscope of exotic locales and brim with fascinating characters, including some of the most vile villains, dangerous dames and brazen heroes you’ll ever get to meet.
    The entire collection of over one hundred and fifty stories is being released in a series of eighty books and audiobooks. For an up-to-date listing of available titles, go to www.goldenagestories.com.

    Arctic Wings
    The Battling Pilot
    Boomerang Bomber
    The Crate Killer
    The Dive Bomber
    Forbidden Gold
    Hurtling Wings
    The Lieutenant Takes the Sky
    Man-Killers of the Air
    On Blazing Wings
    Red Death Over China
    Sabotage in the Sky
    Sky Birds Dare!
    The Sky-Crasher
    Trouble on His Wings
    Wings Over Ethiopia

    The Adventure of “X”
    All Frontiers Are Jealous
    The Barbarians
    The Black Sultan
    Black Towers to Danger
    The Bold Dare All
    Buckley Plays a Hunch
    The Cossack
    Destiny’s Drum
    Escape for Three
    Fifty-Fifty O’Brien
    The Headhunters
    Hell’s Legionnaire
    He Walked to War
    Hostage to Death
    The Iron Duke
    Machine Gun 21,000
    Medals for Mahoney
    Price of a Hat
    Red Sand
    The Sky Devil
    The Small Boss of Nunaloha
    The Squad That Never Came Back
    Starch and Stripes
    Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead
    Trick Soldier
    While Bugles Blow!
    Yukon Madness

    Cargo of Coffins
    The Drowned City
    False Cargo
    Loot of the Shanung
    Mister Tidwell, Gunner
    The Phantom Patrol
    Sea Fangs
    Twenty Fathoms Down
    Under the Black Ensign

    The Devil — With Wings
    The Falcon Killer
    Five Mex for a Million
    Golden Hell
    The Green God
    Hurricane’s Roar
    Inky Odds
    Orders Is Orders
    Pearl Pirate
    The Red Dragon
    Spy Killer
    The Trail of the Red Diamonds
    Yellow Loot

    The Blow Torch Murder
    Brass Keys to Murder
    Calling Squad Cars!
    The Carnival of Death
    The Chee-Chalker
    Dead Men Kill
    The Death Flyer
    Flame City
    The Grease Spot
    Killer Ape
    Killer’s Law
    The Mad Dog Murder
    Murder Afloat
    The Slickers
    They Killed Him Dead

    Borrowed Glory
    The Crossroads
    Danger in the Dark
    The Devil’s Rescue
    He Didn’t Like Cats
    If I Were You
    The Last Drop
    The Room
    The Tramp

    The Automagic Horse
    Battle of Wizards
    Battling Bolto
    The Beast
    Beyond All Weapons
    A Can of Vacuum
    The Conroy Diary
    The Dangerous Dimension
    Final Enemy
    The Great Secret
    The Invaders
    A Matter of Matter
    The Obsolete Weapon
    One Was Stubborn
    The Planet Makers
    The Professor Was a Thief
    The Slaver
    Space Can
    Tough Old Man
    240,000 Miles Straight Up
    When Shadows Fall

    The Baron of Coyote River
    Blood on His Spurs
    Boss of the Lazy B
    Branded Outlaw
    Cattle King for a Day
    Come and Get It
    Death Waits at Sundown
    Devil’s Manhunt
    The Ghost Town Gun-Ghost
    Gun Boss of Tumbleweed
    Gunman’s Tally
    The Gunner from

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