Sprinkles and Secrets

Sprinkles and Secrets by Lisa Schroeder Page A

Book: Sprinkles and Secrets by Lisa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Schroeder
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    Isabel looks at me, her eyes sad. “Did you tell her? Are you telling people my family’s business is having a hard time? That’s really personal, Sophie.”
    I grab her arm. “I know it is. But—”
    She shakes her head and pulls away from me. “Look,” she whispers, nodding at the people in the shop, “I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’mgonna go upstairs. Call me later if you want to.” She turns to Lily. “I hope your mom’s friends like the cupcakes.”
    After she leaves, Lily says, “I’m sorry.” I can tell she feels really bad.
    I sigh. “Don’t worry about it.”
    I’ll worry enough for the both of us.

Chapter 20
chocolate-covered strawberries
    W hen I get home, I find Mom working away at her sewing machine, which is the way it will be for most of December. Apparently clothing for dogs is a popular gift item during the holidays. Who knew?
    â€œWhat are you working on?” I ask as I go to the fridge and grab a bottle of water. A tray of chocolate-covered strawberries catches my eye. That’s weird.Those are something you have for a special occasion. Well, maybe they have a party to go to.
    â€œI’m trying to get twenty of these made,” she says. I look over and she’s holding up a tiny pink shirt that says FRIENDS FUR-EVER.
    I laugh. “Oh, Mom, that is classic. Dogs everywhere are going to hate you, you know that, right? Because a true friend would never put a dog in a shirt!”
    She takes a pair of scissors and cuts a thread. “Maybe dogs enjoy wearing clothes, Sophie. Have you ever asked Daisy if she might like it? I mean, how do you know her true feelings on the subject?”
    I’ve told my mom that Daisy will never be caught in anything other than the coat she was born with. Once in a while, Mom uses Daisy for a model, but that’s it. The clothes go on, she takes a picture, the clothes come off.
    â€œMom, seriously, you’ve seen her face when you put something on her. She looks humiliated. Like you would look if someone told you to run across a football field in your underwear in front of millions of people.”
    â€œI actually did that once,” she says. I practicallychoke on my water. “Just kidding. But your dad, he may have really done it. You should ask him.”
    My family is so weird.
    â€œWell, I’m going to go watch a movie a kid at school loaned me.”
    â€œWhat movie?”
    â€œBridge to Terabithia.”
    â€œI’ve read the book,” Mom says, “but I haven’t seen the movie. You’ll have to let me know what you think after you watch it. The story centers around friendship. I bet you’ll like it. Speaking of friendship, did you tell Isabel today?”
    I bring my hands to my face and shake my head.
    I put my hands up, like I’m surrendering. “I know, Mom. I know! I need to tell her. Tomorrow. I’m going to do it tomorrow no matter what. First thing, at our locker.” I make an X over my heart. “Gross my heart and all of that. Now can I go watch my movie?”
    Dream #8 –
Wouldn’t it be great if
coverage grew on trees,
so if you needed some,
you could just go out
and pick a basketful?
    The movie is good. It’s kind of slow at first, but after a while, I’m into it. I’m about halfway through when Hayden pokes his head in.
    â€œMom needs you in the kitchen,” he tells me.
    Probably wants me to set the table. Why doesn’t she have Hayden do it? I hit the pause button with a big sigh.
    When I walk into the kitchen, Mom, Dad, and Hayden are standing there holding fancy champagne glasses. A bottle of sparkling cider is on the counter, next to the platter of chocolate-covered strawberries.
    â€œWhat’s going on?” I ask.
    â€œCongratulations!” Mom and Dad call out. Hayden puts the

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