Split Second

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Book: Split Second by Alex Kava Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Kava
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Contemporary, Mystery
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finally turned to face him, Manx stared at her. Only now his frustration had turned to wonder and the crinkles at his eyes became more pronounced. Maggie realized he was older than her initial assessment. Which meant the clothes and the hair might be part of a midlife crisis rather than a youthful indiscretion. She recognized Manx’s stunned look. It was the same look that often followed her on-the-spot, blunt profiles. At times, that look made her feel like a cheap fortune-teller or a psychic. But always beneath their skepticism lay just enough amazement and respect to vindicate that initial reaction.
    “Mind if I check out the bathroom?” she asked.
    “Be my guest.” Manx shook his head and waved her through.
    Before Maggie got to the bathroom door, she stopped. On the bureau was a photograph. She recognized the beautiful blond-haired woman who smiled out at her, one arm wrapped around a dark-haired man and the other around a panting white Labrador retriever. It was the same woman she and Tess McGowan had met the first day Maggie looked at her new house.
    “What is it?” Manx asked, now standing directly behind her.
    “I’ve met this woman before. Last week. Her name’s Rachel Endicott. She was out jogging.”
    Just then, in the bureau mirror, she saw more blood. Only this was smeared on the bottom of the bed ruffle. She stopped and turned, hesitating. Was it possible that whoever had been bleeding was still under the bed?

    M aggie stared at the bloodied ruffle then slowly walked to the bed.
    “Actually she was walking,” she said, keeping the excitement from her voice. “She had a dog with her, a white Lab.”
    “We haven’t found any fucking dog,” Manx said. “Unless he’s out in the backyard or the garage.”
    Carefully, Maggie got down on one knee. There was blood in the grooves of the hardwood floor, too. Here the intruder must have taken the time to mop it up. Why would he do that, unless some of it was his own?
    The room grew silent as the men finally noticed the blood on the hem of the bed ruffle. Maggie felt them standing over her, waiting. Even Manx stood quietly, though out of the corner of her eye she could see the toe of his loafer tapping impatiently.
    She lifted the ruffled material, avoiding the bloodied area. Before she could get a closer look underneath, a deep-throated growl caused her to jerk her hand away.
    “Shit!” Manx spat, jumping back with such force he sent a nightstand scraping into the wall.
    Maggie saw the glint of metal in his hand and realized he had drawn his service revolver.
    “Move out of the way.” He was next to her, shoving her shoulder and almost knocking her over.
    She grabbed his arm as he recklessly took aim, ready to fire at anything that moved underneath the bed even though he couldn’t see it.
    “What the hell are you doing?” she yelled at him.
    “What the fuck do you think I’m doing?”
    “Calm down, Detective.” The medical examiner took hold of Manx’s other arm and gently pulled him back.
    “This dog might be your only witness,” Maggie said, getting down on her knees again but staying back a safe distance.
    “Oh right. Like a dog’s gonna tell us what happened.”
    “She’s right,” the M.E.’s voice was amazingly calm. “Dogs can tell us a lot. Let’s see if we can get this one under control.”
    Then he looked to Maggie as if waiting for her instructions.
    “Most likely, he’s wounded,” she said.
    “And in shock,” the M.E. added.
    She stood and looked around the room. What the hell did she know about dogs, let alone how to subdue one?
    “Check the closet and grab a couple of jackets,” she told him. “Preferably thick, something like wool and something that’s been worn and not laundered. Maybe there are some clothes on the floor.”
    She found a tennis racket leaning against the wall. She rummaged through the bureau’s drawers then noticed a tie rack on the back of the closet door. She snatched a silk

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