
Spellbound by Samantha Combs Page A

Book: Spellbound by Samantha Combs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Combs
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all in different shades of one color, she had on a long sleeved dress in tan and a beautiful shawl of camel, which she wore thrown over one shoulder and both arms.
    Eden called her Cordelia. The other woman had darker-‐-skin and wore much brighter clothing. She had jet-‐-black hair tied back with an abalone shell clip and hung straight down her back. Her eyes flashed a brilliant green as she introduced herself with her name.
    Finola. Each of them gave me warm greetings.
    “Serena, I chose my first two traveling companions with care. Cordelia and Finola have quite special talents that I feel are critical to your first training exercises. And in light of your exploits this evening, I am even more confident that I have chosen well.
    Cordelia here is an expert in shape shifting. And Finola is a master of cloaking and invisibility. She can teach you how to stretch your cloak and extend it for long periods of time. You’ll need that for sure if you’re going to infiltrate the Council’s coven.”
    As if to demonstrate, Cordelia disappeared right before my eyes and shape-‐-shifted into a beautiful white cat with the same glittering amber eyes. She jumped straight into my arms and began purring. In an instant, the elegant cat pounced back onto the couch and changed back into the tall, willowy witch. Then Finola disappeared. Suddenly, an apple from a fruit bowl on the credenza began twirling in the air as if dancing. I blinked and she reappeared, showing herself to be the one twirling around while holding the apple. Both witches beamed, pleased with their show of talents.
    “Isn’t that wonderful?” said Eden, gesturing to her coven sisters, who had resettled themselves back on the sofas. “We are well suited to our tasks. And based on tonight, we have much to teach you. Get a good night’s sleep, for we begin tomorrow. And Serena,” she added with a wink. “It appears you’ll have wonderful dreams to give you a good head start.” I blushed again at the memory of Logan and me on the front porch. “You’ll remember why we’re working so hard when it gets difficult. So, off you go.
    Good night, sweet twitch.”

Chapter Twelve
    I dropped Serena off over at her house and drove over to mine. After I parked in the driveway, I got out and stood for a minute. Elizabeth said she’d conjured a spell of protection over both our houses. They didn’t appear any different. Did the spell cover the house only, or extend to the driveway as well? Should I put my car in the garage? Was I going a little crazy wondering things like this? I shook my head and went on into the house. It was late. I expected everyone to be asleep, but, wrong again. The kitchen light flickered and my mom sat at the kitchen table, a mug of coffee in front of her.
    “Logan? Is that you?”
    “Yeah, Mom. It’s me.” I tossed my car keys on the hall table and joined her at the kitchen table. I had to talk to her and tell her what had happened. I wasn’t sure if she would even believe me, but I had to try.
    “How was the dance? Did you and Serena have a good time?” “Interesting.” I sat down on the opposite side of the table.
    “Mom, I need to talk to you. It’s about Serena.”
    “You care about her, don’t you?”
    “Yeah, I do.”
    “I’m glad. She’s a special girl.” You don’t know the half of it, mom, I thought.
    “Listen, Mom. I need to tell you some things and I want you to be open-‐-minded.” I scooted my chair forward.
    “Logan, you know I’m always open-‐-minded. Are you in some kind of trouble?” She went into mom-‐-mode, like I knew she would.

    “Yeah. I mean, no. Well, yeah, but not the kind you’d think of. Listen, Mom, I’m not sure how this is going to sound, but you know I’m not crazy right?”
    “Logan, what is this about?”
    “Mom, just answer me. You know I’m not crazy, right?”
    “Right.” But she started to sound unsure even of that.
    “And if I told you something, you’d believe

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