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Book: Specter by Keith Douglass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keith Douglass
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United States is deliberately provoking an international incident?”
    â€œThe United States does not want war in the Balkans,” Kingston replied. “Indeed, any national interests we have in the region would be best served by peace. The attack on that Yugoslavian monastery was carried out without the knowledge of Congress and without the sanction of the American people. The moment I get back to Washington, I intend to look into this whole situation and demand a full accounting. The Cold War is over. So is the era of cowboy politics and shooting from the hip. I believe America has a very constructive role to play in the Balkans, and that role does not include bombers, aircraft carriers, and commandos!”
    â€œDoes that mean that Americans were involved in the attack?”
    â€œNo comment. Yes—in the back.”
    â€œMadam Congresswoman. There are unconfirmed reports that the raid the other night was carried out by American Special Forces. Officials in Belgrade have suggested that one of our heavily armed gunships fired on one of their patrols, killing thirty men and wounding many more. That’s not the sort of thing that can be covered up, is it?”
    â€œNo, it isn’t. And as I said, I am going to launch a full investigation when I get back.”
    â€œA follow-up, if I may. There are also reports that the operation may have been carried out by either Marine Recon forces or the Navy SEALs, operating off one of our Marine amphibious ships in the Adriatic. In view of your public position on these elite units in the past, would you care to make a statement?”
    â€œCertainly. I have no information about what units may or may not have carried out this aggression in Yugoslavia. However, as soon as I return to Washington, I shall demand answers. If Americans were involved, this represents a shocking misuse of force. It is high time that these, these elite murder squads like the SEALs and the Rangers were disbanded. We do not need them any longer. They are the direct cause of a disproportionate drain on the tax monies allocated to the military. I might add that most senior officers in the Pentagon are united in their feeling that elite units such as the Navy SEALs funnel the best men, the most expensive equipment, and the lion’s share of the money away from our regular forces. At best, this is an unproductive use of precious national assets. At worst, it’s a potentially dangerous and terribly misguided attempt to circumvent clearly established national policy. I would like to see this insanity ended and I intend to do all in my power to make that happen.”
    â€œCongresswoman Kingston, is it your contention that all covert operations should be under direct Congressional control? That sort of thing has always been the prerogative of the President.”
    â€œYes, it has, and look what trouble it’s got us into. President Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs. President Carter and the hostage rescue in Iran. And they were both Democrats.” There was a ripple of polite laughter in the crowd, and she waited for it to die down. “Seriously, it’s high time the people, and by that I mean Congress, be given total and complete oversight of the use of all of our military forces, and a say in how they’re used. It’s not as though we have a world-class enemy like the Soviet Union to worry about anymore, is it? We spend billions on the Army Special Forces, the Army Rangers, and Navy SEALs, and God knows how many other special warfare units, and what does it get us? Not one thing! That’s taxpayer money being shoveled into a bottomless hole, and I intend to put a stop to it!”
    â€œMadam Kingston!”
    â€œCongresswoman Kingston!”
    â€œThat’s all. I’m getting cold and I have a plane to catch!” Deliberately avoiding the questions and demands shouted after her, still smiling and waving, Kingston turned and walked on, her following

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