Special Agent: Austin

Special Agent: Austin by Joni Hahn Page A

Book: Special Agent: Austin by Joni Hahn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joni Hahn
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sat in a tree several yards away and spoke in Austin’s earpiece. “I’m ready if we have any runners.”
    “Roger that,” Austin said, looking back at Rick and patting the Glocks at each hip.
    Rick gave him a determined stare, so much like Belle’s it seemed eerie. “You just concentrate on getting my daughter out. I’ll cover you.” He took off in the opposite direction.
    Now Austin knew why Belle had been chosen by the Madam. She was the child of a Special Forces colonel and a world-renowned athlete. Great genes to create clones.
    Maybe that was the key to the others.
    With the jet parked in stealth mode in the middle of one of the farm’s pastures, they were as ready as they’d ever be.
    Making his way through a half mile or so of brush, Austin headed toward the electrical fence adjacent to the heart of the compound. He watched for movement before approaching, the copper and gold band strapped to his arm running video feed, and ready to deactivate the electrical current. With a couple of taps on the computer screen, he killed the current long enough to cut a notch out of the bottom of the fence and slide through on his belly.
    Rushing to a barn, he plastered himself against the side, his heart pounding. Chickens clucked in a nearby pen, the scents of shit and hay bringing to light the absurdity of the situation. Only Belle could get him to rescue her from an armed compound in broad daylight.
    Then again, only an idiot would fall in love with her in two days.
    Other than the tower guards and Rick behind a garage, the yard was deserted. As the guards made their rounds, he rushed from building to building until he reached the core of the farm. Based on photographs from the satellite surveillance, he guessed the lab was inside the building at his back, surrounded by a greenhouse and what looked like some kind of infirmary on two sides. Hurrying along the wall, he found a side door, a sign beside it with an arrow pointing inside.
    Monroe Lab .
    Opening the door a slit, he peeked inside. A wide hallway loomed ahead, one side lined with floor to ceiling windows that looked out into the compound yard.
    He cursed mentally. God, what was he doing? Jaydan was right. He had no right to be there. He had no experience in this kind of thing. D.I.R.E. had men more qualified to save her. Was he risking her life by doing this himself?
    Suck it up, Rose. She needs you. Don’t let her walk away like Jaydan.
    Renewed determination surged through him. She may need him, but he needed her more.
    Pulling a gun from his waist, he took a deep breath and opened the door. Stepping inside, voices assaulted him from two directions. Down the hall, a female voice spoke into a microphone, her words muffled by distance and sheetrock. To his left, he heard Belle’s raised voice, along with three, maybe four, others.
    A rush of relief escaped his lungs. She was still alive. Thank God.
    Trotting down the hall, he followed her voice - until everything quieted.
    Talk to me, Belle .
    “You’re too late.”
    Austin whipped around. He’d never heard the blond man approach.
    Pointing at a non-descript door just a few feet away, the man turned and walked away. “Good luck. You’re going to need it.”
    Asshole. Then again, Austin should feel thankful he didn’t sound an alarm.
    Why didn’t he?
    Running toward the voices, Austin skidded to a stop when the door flew open. Belle rushed out, her narrow eyes fixated, unwavering. Spotting him, her eyes widened as her face paled.
    “Austin,” she said, in a barely perceptible whisper. “What are you doing here?”
    “Belle,” he said on a sigh of relief. “Thank God. I came to take you home.”
    Four women ran up behind her and stopped short. A brunette with flour in her hair spoke first.
    “Who are you?”
    Panic flooded Belle’s red face as she ran straight for him. “ Run .”
    Belle struggled to breathe as she ran past Austin. No, he couldn’t be here . He wouldn’t risk his life this

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