Sparrow's Release
    The answer to her question came all too soon,
when she felt a strange cooling sensation start at her toes. Trying
to move as much as she could, she turned her neck in an attempt to
see what was happening. The ooze slowly worked its way up her foot
and onto her leg. As it traveled up her calf, she trembled at the
contact. What is it doing?
    It continued up her legs, past her thighs, to
her groin. Soon, the goo was covering her whole body—even her face
and hair. She would have cried out, but was afraid she would get it
in her mouth. She was actually amazed it seemed to instinctively
steer clear of her nose and eyes. She hung in the air, covered in
the green mucus-like stuff wondering what could possibly make this
entire experience even worse.
    Then, as if in silent answer to her unspoken
question, she felt her legs being spread even more, as a rather
long and thick portion of the green glob began to move past her
nether lips and then slowly into her. Her worry over it getting
into her mouth at that point was forgotten. She tried to pull up
and away from it, screaming, “No!” but her protest gained her
    She felt herself being stretched as a smaller
portion of the ooze; which felt about the size of a thumb, began to
move in a circular motion over and around her clit. At the same
time, the goo cock also started to move slowly back and
forth within her.
    Unable to stop the tremors that attacked her
as her body betrayed her by responding to the stimulation, she let
her head fall back and cried; gasping and moaning. Humiliation
filled her. The goo seemed to respond to her moans as
encouragement; massaging her breasts, and moving faster in and out
of her until she was panting and crying in ecstasy. Her inner voice
demanded she fight it, but the sensations were so amazing, she
simply had no choice but to respond.
    Unlike her responses to the few human men
she’d been with, these sensations didn’t stop until she’d reached
her climax. When she began to come down, the ooze slowed its
assault of her body and began to ease off of her. She hung there
for a few minutes, trying to slow her breathing. When she was
finally somewhat recovered, she heard what sounded like a feminine,
but foreign voice, speaking in a language she didn’t
    Then she saw the woman, moving toward her
with what looked like a large metal syringe in her hand. The female
was outrageously tall. Her body reminded Sparrow of a reed: thin
and limber. Her arms were overly long, reaching almost to her
knees. “Tarool-avok. Del sorin dev ri-kiult.” She spoke in a
soft, almost soothing voice, meeting Sparrow’s gaze with beautiful,
kind amber eyes. Sparrow felt her body being lowered enough so her
feet touched the floor. Then, before she could react, the woman
delivered a shot to the back of her neck, behind her ear.
    The stinging lasted only a moment, and the
woman with lavender skin and tawny eyes watched her closely before
beginning to speak again. “That should do it. With your translators
in place, you should be able to understand anyone in the next five
quadrants with no problems.”
    Sparrow blinked at the woman. “What was that?
I can understand you now!”
    The strange, beautiful woman chuckled. “I
know. Those Nanos are amazing little things. They attach to the
speech and language receptors in your brain and do all the
translation work for you. I am Syriveena.” She reached above
Sparrow and clicked something, and the Earthling was suddenly
dumped on the floor like a sack of potatoes.
    With a groan, Sparrow sat up and looked at
the woman. “What was that you were saying before?”
    The woman’s smile dimmed, and she stood back
to her full height with a somber expression. She seemed almost
pained as she answered, “I said; Welcome, slave. Your sex will
be prized.”
    Sparrow blanched. “Slave?” she gulped.
“They’re going to make me a sex slave?” She shook her head. “But I
thought they were just going to run

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