Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2)

Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2) by Kelly Martin Page A

Book: Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2) by Kelly Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Martin
Tags: thriller, Paranormal, demons, Angels, heartless
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I’m a freakin’ superhero! I mean, when I have the blood and stuff in my veins. I don’t seem to be as strong without it. That’s a very big downside… and an understatement.
    It takes a while, but Hart’s eyes slowly meet mine. They are wide and black and dilated. He looks terrified. I feel terrified. We are two of a kind.
    The way he’s looking at me—I want him to look away. Do something. Move! I can’t take it! His big black eyes accusing me of doing this… he knows it’s me. Knows it’s me destroying everything. Slowing down the world. Do the people outside feel it? How far does it reach?
    Sam, well Hart, but still—Sam said once that I was a freak. I believed it before because of the visions and everything. I most definitely believe it now. I’m not human. Not fully. One would think the angel side of me would be a good thing to have. Angels are good after all—my father is an angel. Not a good one.
    An idea is like a whisper—technically more like a worm—that stretches into your mind and imbeds there. Lots of ideas come and go. This one sort of lingers there. I don’t think about it much because I don’t know any other angels besides Seth and Lucien, but the question remains in my mind like a distant thought, something I should probably hang on to except I don’t know the exact reason why.
    What would happen if I drank angel blood?
    Angel blood.
    Demon blood.
    I’m a supernatural vampire.
    Hell, I might even sparkle for all I know.
    Time still hasn’t sped up, and I’m beginning to freak out. The slow heartbeat I’ve heard in my ears this entire time speeds up.
    Faster and faster it grows until I can’t take it anymore. I’ve had panic attacks in my life. One can’t go through all those years of being tortured by a demon in one’s sleep not to have them. This one is worse, more powerful. My heart doesn’t just speed up; it goes into galactic mode. My entire body feels like it’s humming with some sort of power shift, and the world around me starts moving like it’s on a conveyer belt. Faster and faster and faster until there is a big bright white light that nearly blinds me. Not thinking, I throw my hand over my eyes to shield them from how bright it really is and kneel down beside the desk for extra protection.
    The second thing I know, the little earworm present in my ear, is that this light is bad. And it can hurt me. I’m not light. I’m not made of Heaven—not really. I’m full of evil of darkness. And light trumps darkness. Paranormal 101.
    My ears are ringing, filled with the sharpest and highest tone I’ve ever heard, ever want to hear. I cover my ears and pray, actually pray, for it to stop soon. I can’t take it. The sound vibrates through me, making every cell in my body shake. This can’t be the way I die. Killed by a burst of light I created.
    I created it.
    I’m a monster.

    B EING IN SLOW MOTION MIGHT BE the strangest feeling I’ve ever felt in my life, and that’s saying a lot—Hell and all, and being tortured and turned into a demon by my mother! Yeah, can’t say I’ve had it easy. Not that I’m making excuses. I’m just saying…
    I don’t know what I’m saying.
    I knew Gracen was powerful. A guy couldn’t be near her for long and not know that. Especially now with the blood—the demon and angel blood—in her body. Who knows what else is going on inside her?
    Well, I know some of it, but I’m not telling her. It’ll freak her out, and I can’t have that.
    I need her calm. As calm as I can get her. As calm as she will allow herself to be. The light came from her.
    Shone from the blackness of her eyes and enveloped the room so quickly I barely had time to duck beside the bed, once I got to move again.
    I’m not sure what sort of light it was. I’ve heard stories of a light that can kill

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