Soul of the Sorcerer - Part Three: Daughter of the Dragon

Soul of the Sorcerer - Part Three: Daughter of the Dragon by T R Brown Page B

Book: Soul of the Sorcerer - Part Three: Daughter of the Dragon by T R Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: T R Brown
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double take, first at the bearded Lloyd and then at the curvaceous redhead who walked in holding his arm.
    A few years ago, the child in them would have probably whispered the chant of “GINGER” to each other, now though, the indications were that this girl was in the early stages of being a flowering beauty.
    “Alright Brooksy?” Danny Pope said with a grin, he was still tall, but not as wiry as he had once been. Lloyd could tell from his grin, under his roman like nose, that he was genuinely pleased to see him. Unlike Paul, who had crossed to the bar, he was dressed in Jeans and t-shirt similar to Reese Woodgate sitting beside him.
    Reese had matured a lot since the day that they had all attended the fateful metalwork lesson together, gone were the freckles and his hair had been cut to meet army requirements.  He also greeted Lloyd with a smile, even though it was a shocked one.
    “Alright mate! I can’t believe how long it’s been since we’ve seen you and you turn up now with a beard and a beautiful girlfriend!”
    “This is my friend Beth, she is still learning our language, so you may need to speak a little slowly.
    “Oh, where are you from?” Reese asked Bethany, however, it was Lloyd who replied.
    “Guys, listen. Do you remember my rainbow vision and the spot I sometimes spoke of which seemed to hover in front of my eyes?”
    They all nodded, “well it got a whole lot more interesting than that…”
    It was about twenty minutes later that Lloyd finally finished the story. Mind you, it had meant dragging his old friends into the quiet pub garden to demonstrate casting electric darts into the air, to convince them that both Bethany and he were mages.
    “Feck me! And I thought me joining the army was going to be the exciting career path.” Reese replied.
    They all returned to their table where Paul Watson again insisted on buying all of them another beer. As he went to the bar Lloyd turned to the other two “So what’s Watty up to these days, flash suit and buying all the beer?”
    “He’s just qualified from his electronic engineering apprenticeship, he’s getting paid a packet, but he always looks after us.” Danny Pope replied.
    “What about you Dan?” Lloyd asked.
    “I’ve just started work for the metal fabrication company that I did my apprenticeship with; at the moment I’m still the junior welder, but it’s better than doing nothing.”
    After the second pint Lloyd decided that it was not too good an idea for Beth to be drinking too much after just recovering from the Daemon venom; she had not been saying much and he had noticed that her eyes were beginning to dilate from the alcohol. He necked the remainder of his pint and suggested that they started making a move home.
    “Let’s all give Lloyd our contact details, and arrange for a proper drinking session when he’s next back in town.” Paul Watson suggested. This they did and there was then many an embrace, especially with Bethany in the Happy Stage of inebriation, before they parted ways and the two air mages jumped on the 101 bus back to the village.

Chapter Nine - Public Property
    The United Kingdom’s National Health Service had been Doctor Amy Brook’s employer all of her working life. It was often a much maligned organisation, but it was one that gave the best care it could to all, no matter their status or wealth; it had even given her lovely Grandmother Rebecca a hip replacement at the age of ninety nine and she had walked again having a happy and pain free last few years of her life; which ended at the age of one hundred and three. She therefore really valued the NHS and the principles it represented, her loyalty to it even meant turning down several opportunities for work in the private sector. Therefore, what she was doing at the moment, planning on stealing several very expensive bits of equipment, was genuinely mortifying.
    After Darrion had explained about it being very hard to translocate to a location

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