Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series)

Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series) by Elizabeth A. Lance Page B

Book: Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series) by Elizabeth A. Lance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth A. Lance
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slightly shorter, less floppy and his face was less pointed, but he shared the same marbled skin tone. I suppose that made sense since the Goblins were distant cousins of the Fae. He wore a crown of gold inlaid with jewels of emerald and ruby and a bejeweled robe to show off his status, I assumed. The biggest difference between the King and the Goblin that answered the door was the Goblin King looked powerful, strong in both magic and strength.
    “Gareth, my friend, King of the Goblins, I appreciate your hospitality. I have come with friends t o ask your safe passage to the forest of Darkness. We journey to the Castle of Darkness to seek that which has been taken from us.”
    “Do you lead this journey, Thomas?”
    “No,” Thomas said and shook his head. “That would be Princess Abbey, heir to the throne of Light and Illusion.”
    I stepped forward and curtsied to the King. “It is a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
    “Princess Abbey, it has long been my desire to meet you,” Gareth said stepping forward and taking my hand in his. He pulled my hand up to his lips. Watching my face, he turned my hand palm up and kissed it, closing my fingers over his kiss.
    I smiled, “I too have long desired to meet the Goblins and their King. I have heard many stories of your adventures.”
    Gareth’s chest puffed up and he smiled, showing his jagged teeth. “Well Princess, do come in and visit for a while.” Gareth gestured to another room.
    “Your Grace, I wish that we could, but we are in a hurry on this particular trip. The Queen has taken someone valuable to me, and he has been poisoned by Toxic Kiss. I must reach him before the poison spreads through him completely.”
    Gareth studied me. “Is this your lover you seek?”
    I blushed. “No, not a lover. I have no lover. He is someone I care about though.”
    “No lover,” Gareth said raising a brow and giving another grin. “That is a shame Princess. Though you are young, there is still time for that,” he said, his look speculating.
    I blushed again. “We would greatly appreciate it if you would grant us safe passage through your territory.”
    “Ah but Princess, what do I get out of such a thing? I find I quite enjoy having you here, why would I want you to leave?”
    I smiled. “I will grant you a boon, should you allow it.”
    “Hmmm, very well, but I will ask for three boons, as there are so many of you and you will need safe passage on your return trip as well,” Gareth negotiated.
    I pretended to consider his offer. It would have been impolite to do otherwise. “Two boons, your Grace, one for each direction we travel.”
    “ Done. Now as to the first boon…I want your company for an evening of pleasure. It isn’t often that I get to entertain other royals.”
    “My company? And what might that entail?” I asked almost timidly.
    “Just for you to share an evening with us here in the Goblin Kingdom, for feasting and frivolity, nothing more, unless it is your wish,” Gareth said with a lecherous grin.
    “An evening of feasting and frivolity sounds quite entertaining, your Grace. I shall look forward to it. After we rescue my warrior, and he is well again, agreed?”
    “Most definitely, Princess.”
    “And the second boon?” Thomas asked, wanting to clear up the obligations so that we could move on.
    “The second boon I shall keep on reserve for a time when I need it,” Gareth said smartly. “Agreed?”
    I nodded. “Agreed.”
    “Are you sure you will not stay for awhile? It is nearly lunch time,” Gareth offered. “We are having a delicious repast of meats.”
    I knew that Goblins liked their meats raw and wild, so it was not a meal I was exactly hungry for. “Thank you, your Grace, but we should decline such a mouthwatering offer, as I mentioned, time is not on our side. We really must be going.”
    “Very well, but do please call me Gareth, Princess.”
    I smiled. “Only if you call me Abbey in return.”
    “It is my pleasure to call you

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