Sorority Sisters

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Book: Sorority Sisters by Tajuana Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tajuana Butler
Tags: Fiction
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the vibe that was moving between the two of them. This was the closest she’d ever felt to him. And then he kissed her.
    It was a perfect moment, interrupted only by the smell of burning food.
    “What’s that smell?” she asked. They both jumped up and rushed over to the oven. Ray opened the oven door to a black charcoal substance that used to be chicken. His dinner was ruined.
    “Lena, you should have seen it before it burned. I called my mother and she told me what seasonings to put on it and everything.” They both looked at each other. Ray had this disappointed, puppy-dog look on his face. Then they both laughed. “I’ll tell you what, let’s order in pizza and act like nothing about tonight went wrong.” He stopped and looked deep into her eyes.
    “Ooooh, that will be nice.” She returned his gaze. Nothing was going to ruin their night.
    After ordering the pizza, they went to his bedroom and continued their conversation about their future and hopes and aspirations. They really opened up to each other about their feelings for each other and how they thought their relationship was progressing.
    They ended the night by slowly undressing and caressing and appreciating each other’s sensuality. They made love and nothing else seemed to matter—not the future, not Anthony, nothing but the moment that they were sharing . . . together.

Grant me the wisdom to know when to move forward and the patience to be calm
when I need to just be still.
    Grant me the wisdom to accept those incidents
that are out of my control,
And give me the strength to take action when it is necessary to take control.

    The first person through the doors of the Exclusive Pink Plush Rush was Stephanie, who was embarrassed and disappointed to be the first one there. She didn’t want to appear overeager. The only reason she was there so early was because once she dressed she’d made herself leave the house and head to rush before she changed her mind.
    She walked over to the greeting table, which was directly to the right of the entrance. Sitting at the table was a young lady whose face wasn’t familiar. “Hello,” Stephanie said, hoping she didn’t speak too softly.
    “Hi, how are you?” The girl seemed friendly enough. Her name badge said tracy. She instructed Stephanie to write her name, address, and telephone number in the guest book. After Stephanie filled in her information, Tracy made her a name badge to wear for the evening. She also gave her a souvenir—a small pink-tinted glass jewelry box that had the sorority’s letters and spring rush engraved on a gold plate on the top.
    “Thank you,” Stephanie said.
    “You’re welcome. You can take a seat while you wait for the others to arrive. I advise you to sit in the front row to make sure you don’t miss any details,” Tracy suggested. Although she was cordial, Tracy didn’t seem too enthusiastic about her role as greeter. “Your program will be on your seat. Now I’ll need your letter of intent, references, and official transcript,” Tracy said.
    Stephanie almost forgot they were in her hand until she looked down and saw the package. Following her mother’s instructions, she had used soft mauve paper to print her letter and references on, and she put both, along with her transcripts, in the pockets of a mauve folder. She had written her name in calligraphy on the front of the folder and placed the package in a clear mauve-tinted envelope. It really looked classy.
    “Nice packaging,” Tracy commented, as she received it. “You put effort into this. I hope your letter is just as good,” she said, without expression.
    Stephanie wasn’t sure if she was supposed to be flattered or offended by that statement, but she managed to smile. Tracy didn’t seem to notice that Stephanie didn’t respond, because at that moment, a group of several girls showed up.
    Although she was nervous, Stephanie was up to her usual interior critiquing. She scanned the room,

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