Sophie's Playboy

Sophie's Playboy by Natalie J. Damschroder Page B

Book: Sophie's Playboy by Natalie J. Damschroder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie J. Damschroder
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    "I'm here with Quintelle, a self-proclaimed movie buff who has nothing but raves for this new theater. What's your favorite classic, Quintelle?"
    "Oh, I love the old war movies. They just have so much heart. I can't wait to see The Battle of Midway on the big screen again."
    "What else are you looking forward to?"
    Sophie's Playboy
    by Natalie Damschroder
    "Oh, probably just about everything. I love movies." He half chuckled, half snickered. "Plus, the theater is air conditioned."
    Sophie laughed. "Thanks, Quintelle." She moved through the crowd, doing one long commercial without making it seem like marketing. Halfway through the broadcast Parker could see her pinned in a corner by the front of the theater, surrounded by "fans" who wanted to get on the air. Sophie kept her composure and managed to talk to most of them.
    But she was clearly exhausted when they were done.
    "Thank God for jocks!" She handed Mark the headphones and mike and slumped onto the step of the booth. "I couldn't have done this for another hour." She grimaced as she tugged her shoe off.
    "And a half." Parker sat next to her and lifted her feet into his lap. Sophie let him and even turned so he had better access. He pressed his thumbs into her arch and she sighed.
    He watched her close her eyes and lean against the jamb of the open door.
    She looked completely exhausted, Parker thought, but relaxed around him for the first time since their date at Victory. He continued to watch her face as he rubbed her feet. She groaned a little, and it hit him in the chest—as well as a more expected spot. God, he wanted her.
    "DEEEE, dee dee dee, deh deh deh, de de de."
    "Who's calling, Vincent Price?" Sophie asked lazily.
    "Something like that," Parker murmured, flipping open his digital phone and checking the incoming number.
    "Hi, Mare," he answered "What's up?"
    Sophie's Playboy
    by Natalie Damschroder
    "Parker, I'm sorry. Are you done with the show?"
    "A few minutes ago."
    Sophie opened her eyes and made a move to get up, but he kept one hand on her feet. She relaxed against the door jamb again and Parker relaxed. A step forward.
    "I need to ask you to pick up the kids," Mare said. He barely avoided growling. A step forward, then a step back.
    He'd been planning to take Sophie to a real dinner and hopefully move their relationship to a deeper level.
    Maybe he still had a chance. "How long do you need me to stay with them?"
    "Um, well, this meeting may go pretty late."
    Parker sighed. Pretty late meant he was probably spending the night. "No problem, Mare. I'll go get them now." He hung up the phone and glanced at his watch. It was already twenty of six.
    "Mark, are you done with us?" he called to the engineer.
    After a muffled "go ahead" from behind the shoe he stood and pulled Sophie to her feet.
    "I hope you don't have plans. I have to pick up my nephews by six."
    Sophie shrugged. "No problem. You can all drop me at my car after we get them."
    They walked quickly to Parker's Toyota Sequoia. He noticed that Sophie had no trouble keeping up with his long stride.
    "It's nice to find a tall man who walks with his whole legs,"
    Sophie said, surprising him. She grinned. "Most guys your height kinda mosey ," she added, sliding into the truck after 107
    Sophie's Playboy
    by Natalie Damschroder
    he opened the door. She looked over her shoulder and noticed for the first time the booster seats in the back. She was glad she hadn't seen them before she knew about his nephews.
    "How old are they?" she asked once Parker was in the truck.
    "Four and seven." He checked traffic, then pulled out of the public parking lot. "Sorry we had to do this. Mare hasn't been working late because I've been doing the show, but every so often it's inevitable."
    "No problem. I'm not going anywhere." Sophie settled into the fine leather bucket seat and let her eyes drift to half mast. She was whooped, but not exhausted, thanks to Parker's foot rub. It was something Jake would do

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