Son of Holmes

Son of Holmes by John Lescroart Page B

Book: Son of Holmes by John Lescroart Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Lescroart
Tags: John Lescroart
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    “What is it that you deliver?”
    “Medical supplies. Gauze, bandages, no real medicine.”
    “Ah, yes. Fortunately, we haven’t had many accidents. I hope we can keep your deliveries small. Now, then”—he stopped in front of the first door we’d passed coming in—“as you know, we make most kinds of arms and munitions supplies here, so really our security amounts to national security. Open that door, Monsieur Giraud.”
    I stepped up to the heavy door and found it locked.
    Ponty squatted down and slid a card under the door, then knocked four times. The door swung open from within onto a small, closetlike enclosure. On either side of the space sat an armed guard. The room was devoid of decoration and contained only a door against the opposite wall. Ponty walked across the tiny area to that door and tried it, but it too was locked. Then he turned and walked back to us, closing the first door behind him.
    “The explosives room,” he explained. “We change the guards every three hours because the anteroom is so . . . you saw it. With every shift, we change the card-and-knock sequence. I don’t mind telling you this because the guards are under orders to shoot to kill anyone who gets them to open the doors by deception. Only myself, my immediate assistant, or the guards’ replacements may be admitted into that room. Anyone else will be shot.”
    I said soberly, “But you had me try the door.”
    Ponty laughed. “A perfect way to eliminate my archrival, yes? But you see, you were in no danger. Only if you had had my card, knocked four times, and been admitted would you have been shot. I’m sorry if I scared you.”
    I held up a hand, laughing hollowly. “I don’t scare that easily.”
    He waited for a moment at the door to the explosives room. A janitor pushing a wide broom shuffled his way past us, not so much as lifting his head to acknowledge us. Ponty seemed to be observing him carefully. Clearly the presence of visitors would not be viewed as an excuse to slack off on duties.
    “Friendly chap,” I ventured.
    Ponty shrugged. “Nervous, I guess. Some of ’em are, here.” He sighed. “I guess it isn’t the easiest thing in the world, working inside what amounts to the biggest bomb in France.”
    Georges cleared his throat, and Ponty took that as a signal to continue our tour. The next door down the hallway opened into an enormous cacophonous inferno, but Ponty had no hesitancy about gesturing us in. Four huge boilers hissed and steamed against one wall to our right, while two shovel-wielding stevedores fed coal to the burners under them. The room’s temperature was staggering.
    Like a proud homeowner, Ponty walked us around. The boilers were of heavily reinforced steel, loaded with gauges that screamed under their internal pressures. Lining the back wall of the room was a small mountain of coal being slowly chipped away by the workers. Dozens of arteries—insulated piping—emanated from the heart of the arsenal’s power plant.
    “What goes on here?” Georges yelled over the din.
    Ponty motioned us back outside into the relative cool of the hall. He was beaming. “Impressive, isn’t it?”
    “Is every room here frightening?” Georges asked.
    “That frightened you?”
    “It’s a vision of hell.”
    Ponty chuckled. “Well, put like that, I suppose one might say it is, after all.”
    “It did seem awesomely powerful.”
    He nodded. “It has to be. We’ve got power needs here that I can’t discuss, but they rival those of many small towns. In effect, we’ve got our own generator. We’ve got to be able to control our power, keep it regular, allow no surges. Am I getting too technical?”
    “Not at all,” Georges said.
    “It’s rather fascinating,” I agreed.
    We turned a corner and entered another long and narrow hall. Ponty’s words echoed off the bare walls, mingling with the memory of the other room’s straining engines. I was beginning to feel the building more as a

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