Somewhere in Sevenoakes
    ”Don't be daft. Okay, we fell out this morning. My private life is a disaster, that's why I over-reacted to your tone of voice.”
    ”I was snappy with you, for that I apologise,” said Geoff affably. ”There's a fair bit going on with me too.”
    ”I was guessing that. Sorry I haven't been more attentive.”
    ”It's fine. You weren't scouting new jobs then?”
    ”Hand on heart, no. I love it here. We've fallen out occasionally but you know how committed I am to Yearwood, Angus and Port. I love my work,” explained Maddy sincerely.
    ”I don't doubt your loyalty Maddy, not for a second, but you've been here eight years. You've gone as far as you can go, until I leave. It's only natural for you to want to continue up the career ladder. Yes, you'll take over when I go, but it's fine to want to spread your wings, move to a bigger company, take on different challenges.'
    ”I'm still learning from you and I know there's loads more you can teach me. I don't think I'd benefit from moving on. I don't think I'd have the opportunity to have such closely involved hands on mentoring. We're just the right sized company for someone like me to grow in. I find my work rewarding. Why risk losing a cushy job if I'm happy?”
    ”I want you to be happy here. You're bright and determined. All I'm saying is I might be upset if you left, but I wouldn’t be offended. I'd back you to make sure you got the right position with the right company. It's got to be the best for my protégée.”
    ”You're lovely but I'm not going anywhere any time soon Geoff.”
    ”The offer's there Maddy. I'll always support your career.”
    ”Thanks Geoff.”
    Maddy gave a wave before returning to her computer screen.

    ”This was a lot more fun on Monday, when I thought I'd get to advise you with great techniques of becoming a stalker and you'd do it all without actively involving me, Maddy,” said Helen biting into a baguette.
    ”Can you not use my name in the same sentence as the word 'stalker'?” replied Maddy without looking up from her screen.
    Like Helen, Maddison was eating her lunch in the office as she meticulously entered in web addresses, holding up an enlarged version of the partial logo from James' workplace up to the computer monitor.
    ”We're sitting in the office while the sun is shining for probably the last time this summer, eating sandwiches and indulging in psycho-woman antics.”
    ”It's not psychotic, it's research,” chimed Maddy, a smile dancing on her lips.
    ”It's research to help you be a more effective stalker.”
    ”You say stalker, I say lovelorn.”
    ”Not sure that's how the police will see it. You've clearly been reading too many trashy romance novels and watching silly romantic movies.”
    ”Helen, you were the one who suggested it was feasible to track down one man in a city of eight million,” reminded Maddy, catching her eye.
    ”I said it because you were nearly crying.”
    ”I'll be crying if you don't help me with this.”
    Helen spun around in her chair.
    ”When you watch crime shows and stuff, how much time does the camera actually spend in the office while they do the admin work?”
    ”Minimal Helen. Do you know why?”
    ”Why?” she asked, pleased to have distracted Maddy from the task.
    ”Because they don't waste time talking to each other about how boring the admin work is. They get their heads down, do it swiftly so they can go in the field to get involved in the action.”
    ”Alright I can take a hint,” said Helen, returning to work.
    Maddy tirelessly continued exercising diligence and care.
    ”Got you,” shouted Helen.
    Maddy sprung out of her chair to race round to Helen's desk.
    ”That's it, isn't it?” said Helen, holding her photocopy of the logo, next to her computer screen.
    Maddy carefully examined the screen,

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