Someone Like You
    Nick cocked his head.
    “I know the social workers confirmed that Matt is legally considered an adult and can do what he chooses, live where he wants to, but I was worried about the school board. We got a new member who can be a real bitch. So I talked to Meredith Brooke about Matt moving in with you. She thinks it’s a good idea.”
    “Because I told her the whole story. She’s as disgusted with the mayor as we are and she’ll convince the majority of board to go along.”
    “I would have done it even if she didn’t agree with me.”
    Dylan arched a brow.  “Well, this way your job is still intact.”
    He hadn’t thought much about risking his teaching position. Hell, what if he’d lost that too? He was born to work with kids. “Thanks, Dylan.”
    “Meredith agrees with me that you should have alerted the administration about the depth of Matt’s despair, but she believes you saved the boy’s life. We are putting a letter in your file, explaining the situation, and what we objected to.”
    “I guess I can handle a letter in my file. Besides, you’re entitled to your own opinion.”
    “Huh!” Dylan pushed away from the wall. “I wonder why we’re entitled but Brie Gorman isn’t.”
    “Dylan, don’t…”
    “Go there, I know. It’s just something to think about.”
    When Dylan left, Nick sat where he was letting in thoughts of the woman who haunted his midnights. It wasn’t that they disagreed on how to handle Matt’s situation. She was so fiery they’d probably have fought over a whole slew of issues if they’d continued their relationship. It was what she’d thought of him way down deep that cut him to the quick, that made him unable to forgive her, believe in her, trust her. That, he knew, would never happen in this lifetime.
    Brie looked up from her desk to find Matt come into her room. He wore jeans and a shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, but she knew what his clothes hid. Dylan had told her he’d be back today, and she’d seen him arrive at Nick’s house the day before, but she hadn’t spoken to him.
    “Hey.” She stood and walked over. “How are you, Matt?”
    “Better. I, um…” he toed the vinyl with his sneaker “…I’m still seeing Rich, but I’m okay for now. One day at a time, I guess.”
    I know the feeling. “Are you settled in at Mr. Corelli’s?”
    “Yeah, he’s cool. And his house is terrific. I got my own room overlooking the lake. I just wish he had--” The boy stopped short.
    “Had what, Matt?”
    “Um, nothing. He’s been great to me I don’t want to complain.”  Matt seemed thoughtful for a minute. “But you know what? The counselor said I have to admit what’s bothering me, say out loud what I want. I was wishing coach had a piano.”
    “I didn’t know you played.”
    “Nobody did. But now I can do it out in the open.”
    Reaching over, she squeezed his forearm, kept her hand there. “I have a piano, Matt, and you can come over and play mine, anytime. Cella takes lessons.”
    “Oh, wow, you mean that?”
    “Of course I do. A lot of people care about you. Want you to be happy. I’m one of them.”
    Gratitude filled his young face. He was such a good boy. “I know. That’s why I came in here to tell you I was doing better.”
    She gave him a questioning look.
    “You told Mr. Kane about me.”
    Yes, and at great cost. “I did, Matt, and you should know I’d do it all over again.”
    “That’s okay. I wanted to say I’m glad you did it. I shouldn’t have made Coach swear he wouldn’t tell. I said I’d hurt myself worse if he told.”
    “Oh, Matt.”
    “Coach says it’s water under the bridge, since I’m better, but I wanted to tell you, you know, in case you felt bad.”
    Brie’s eyes stung. “Thanks for that.”
    As she watched the boy leave, she wished that Nick could be as understanding as Matt. But Brie was coming to accept the fact that he never could and their breach

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