SOMEDAY SOON by David Crookes Page B

Book: SOMEDAY SOON by David Crookes Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Crookes
Tags: Historical
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northern river systems aided by Aborigines.’ Wake paused again
allowing time for his message to sink in. ‘But we have acted
quickly to minimize Aboriginal coercion with the enemy. Just
recently, all unsupervised Aborigines along the northern coastal
regions are being rounded up and placed in control camps where we
can keep an eye on them. But there are other security problems that
must be addressed.’
    ‘Well,’ Forde said impatiently. ‘What are
    ‘It became clear during our inquiries,’ Wake
said solemnly, ‘that Darwin has become a hotbed of Japanese
espionage. We believe there is an active fifth column operating
throughout the north and all information gathered by enemy spies
and infiltrators is collated in Darwin and then transmitted to the
enemy. The timing of the Darwin and Broome raids certainly supports
our belief. The Darwin raid took place only hours after a convoy
arrived in port from the Netherlands East Indies, and the attack at
Broome came when the greater part of what remained of the Dutch Air
Force was sitting like ducks on the water in Roebuck Bay.’
    ‘How do you think the fifth columnists
communicate with the Japs?’ Forde asked.
    ‘We have no doubt there are radio
transmitters based in Darwin and elsewhere on the mainland,
possibly some at German-run missions on outlying islands, and
possibly some aboard small private coastal vessels. These
transmitters could be manned by traitors working as paid spies, or
foreign nationals of non-British stock who, for one reason or
another, have escaped internment.’
    Forde rubbed his jaw. ‘And what do you
propose we do to counter these problems, Colonel?’
    ‘As everyone in this room knows, it’s
impossible for us to defend our entire northern coastline, but what
we can do is take steps to minimize the enemy’s element of surprise
when he invades us. I have worked closely with Professor Stanner on
this matter and he has already worked out a plan of action. Stanner
has discussed it in detail with General Herring, commanding officer
in the Northern Territory and he has asked for its immediate
implementation.’ Wake nodded at Stanner. ‘Would you please explain
your proposal Professor?’
    Bill Stanner rose to his feet. He was an
intense, aloof-looking man in his mid-thirties.
    ‘Some years ago,’ Stanner said stiffly,
‘while working at the London School of Economics, I went on an
expedition to Kenya. It was there I learned of a small German
commando force of fourteen thousand men in East Africa which had
successfully contained a hundred and sixty thousand British
soldiers in that region during the Great War. I believe we should
organize a similar force. It would be nowhere near as large but I
envision it working on similar principles. What I proposed to
General Herring was the formation of a top secret observer force
operating across the Top End, from the Gulf country in Queensland
to Broome in Western Australia. It’s an enormous area, almost four
million square miles with almost six thousand miles of coastline.
But I think a small force of about five hundred men, operating in
small radio-equipped scouting groups, could serve an early warning
invasion alert unit and also be able to harass the enemy after he’s
landed. I propose these men would patrol on horseback throughout
the remote regions, practically living off the land. They would be
essentially a brigade of bushmen, similar in many ways to the
Australian Light Horse.
    ‘You mean as a sort of commando force?’ one
of the chiefs asked.
    ‘They would of course be behind enemy lines
after a Japanese invasion?’
    ‘So, as far as you are concerned Stanner,
they would be expendable?’
    ‘All very easy for you to say from the safety
of Melbourne, over two thousand miles away from action,’ the chief
    ‘That’s exactly what General Herring said in
Darwin,’ Stanner said quietly. ‘I believe that is why he demanded
that I

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