Solbidyum Wars Saga 7: Hunt for the Reduviids

Solbidyum Wars Saga 7: Hunt for the Reduviids by Dale C. Musser Page A

Book: Solbidyum Wars Saga 7: Hunt for the Reduviids by Dale C. Musser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale C. Musser
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Padaran said.  “Uncle Regeny doesn’t like to participate in anything competitive where he might be defeated.  It would crush his ego to be thrown down even once in a martial arts contest.  Have you ever seen him take part in any sort of contest?”
    “Uh, no, now that you mention it, I haven’t,” I said.
    “And you never will.  Once, when I was a kid, Uncle Regeny came to our house for dinner.  I was learning to play chess and wanted him to play a game with me, just so I could show him I knew how to play,” Padaran began.
    “Oh no, don’t tell me you beat him!” I said.
    “Not the first time we played, but by his next visit I’d gotten better and I beat him in the second game.  He’s never played another chess game with me since, even though I’ve asked him dozens of times.”
    I had to laugh at the image of a young Padaran besting his uncle in chess.  “Well, one thing I do know, your uncle is very proud of you and your accomplishments,” I said.
    “I know,” Padaran said humbly, he’s always rooted for me and tried to help me.”
    “Padaran, it’s just occurred to me; I've never met your parents.”
    “They’re coming for a visit next week.  They plan to stay on the NEW ORLEANS ; I’ll introduce them to you.  I know my mother would be excited to meet you.
    “Have they met Jenira?” I asked.
    “Yes, sir, they’ve met her twice,” he answered a bit nervously.
    “Padaran, tell me, are you and Jenira ever going to become bondmates?”
    Instantly Padaran’s face flushed and he became very nervous.  “I don’t think so,” he said slowly while avoiding my gaze.
    “Why not?” I asked.  “It’s obvious to everyone the two of you are in love and everyone thinks you make a perfect couple.  Are you afraid to bond with her?”
    “Oh no, sir, it’s nothing like that,” Padaran gushed.  “It’s Jenira; she declares she will never take a bondmate so long as the Brotherhood survives.  She has gone as far as to taken a solemn oath to remain single, so long as they exist.”
    “I see,” I sighed, “like her refusal to speak until they are gone.”
    “Yes sir,” Padaran answered sadly.
    “That girl puts too much responsibility on herself.  She needs to have some fun.”
    “Oh, she has fun, sir.  However, her ideas of fun aren’t quite the same as everyone else’s.”
    “Well Padaran, hang in there.  I’ll try to do my part to end the Brotherhood as quickly as I can so you can get her to agree to be your bondmate.  How does that suit you?” I asked.
    “That would be great, sir,” he said with a smile.
    Despite our best efforts, we weren’t winning the war against the Brotherhood, even though we won most battles where we actually engaged them.  However, we had lost a lot of the outer worlds and had no way to recover them.  If we tried, the Brotherhood would raze the planet before departing, leaving nothing but smoldering ruins and dead bodies behind.
    Since the development of asteroid-ships, losses to the Brotherhood became even greater.  One of the highest priority objectives of the war was to discover where they were building these ships and stop their production.  Another primary objective was to learn what exactly was needed to enhance our GW technology and bridge the gap in ship speeds between the Brotherhood and the Federation.  Essentially, Kala was right; we needed to capture one of their ships.
    After I finished sparring with Padaran, I went to see A’Lappe and Cantolla.  I hadn’t seen much of Cantolla in the lab lately, and I was starting to wonder if she and A’Lappe had a squabble about something.  I stopped by my office first to pick up an item before heading to the lab.  When I arrived, A’Lappe was there alone.
    A’Lappe greeted me with his usual cheer.  “Tibby, good to see you.  Is there some way I can be of service today?”
    “Yes, there are several things.  But first, where is Cantolla?  I haven’t seen her around lately.  Is

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