Solar Seduction (Planets Book 3)

Solar Seduction (Planets Book 3) by Jaden Sinclair Page B

Book: Solar Seduction (Planets Book 3) by Jaden Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaden Sinclair
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Preston pushed away from the table with a smile on his face. Kalisha’s gut dropped. She kept her eyes on him as he slowly walked around the table. And since he clearly wasn’t paying that much attention to her, she slipped the knife from the table onto her lap.
    “What you need is a real man, not a damn alien between those legs. An Earth man who has power and position,” he went on. “Maybe even a man like myself.” He came up behind her and grabbed her hair so fast she almost dropped the knife.
    Kalisha acted just as fast as he did. When his other hand came around as if he might grab her breast she reached up and cut it with the knife. He yelled, let go of her hair and she was out of the chair quickly.
    “You bitch!” he snapped at her, grabbing her napkin and wrapping it around his now bleeding hand.
    “Stay away from me,” she told him, pointing the knife at him. “Men like you need to be fucking castrated and never allowed to breed.”
    He snarled and lunged at her. Kalisha screamed, swung wide with the knife and almost cut him again. However, Preston seemed to be ready for it and caught her wrist, giving it a strong twist. She cried out. The slap that she had been expecting all night finally came. Preston backhanded her so hard her lip busted open and her vison went blurry for a moment.
    “The only place for little whores like yourself is on their backs,” he snarled in her face. Another hard slap and she went flying in the other direction. He grabbed her hair and shoved her hard at the table. Kalisha hit her belly on the side and felt him come up behind her. One long swipe and everything on the side of the table went flying to the floor. “But right now, I think this position is better suited just for you.”
    The knife she had in her hand he slammed tip first into the table. She jumped and then tried to straighten up, only to have him hit her on the back again, hard, knocking the wind right out of her lungs and sending pain radiating down her spine.
    “I told your father right before he died at my feet that I’d take good care of you.” One hand held her down by the back of her head. His other came up and ripped one strap from her shoulders. She cried out only because his nails slashed across her flesh, cutting her. He kicked at her ankles, making her spread her legs, then the dress came up and cool air touched her bare ass. “And that is just what I intend to do.”
    She heard him unzip his pants and closed her eyes, waiting for it, but it never came. Instead he stilled behind her and Kalisha opened her eyes, turning her head a bit to the side to see what he was doing. What she saw gave her hope.
    “Take your fucking hands off my wife,” Zane said right behind Preston. He had a gun pressed right at the back of his head. Zane cocked it. “Please.”

    Chapter Eight
    Zane saw red. He could barely think straight and staying calm seemed almost impossible when they snuck into the house, knocked a few of Preston’s men out and then he walked in to see the fucker just about to rape his wife. That was the last draw for him. Zane was going to draw blood, he just knew it.
    “I said, take your fucking hands off my wife, or so help me I’ll blow your God damn brains all over this table,” Zane said again.
    Preston raised his hands in the air. “All right, just stay calm.”
    Kalisha pushed Preston away and covered herself with one arm. The man had ripped her dress. She turned with her brows drawn together, anger was written all over her now blushing face. She slapped Preston hard across the face, then spit at him.
    “You’re nothing but a piece of shit,” she said to Preston. “And I’ll make sure personally you go down for everything you’ve done.”
    Preston had the balls to smile at her and lower his hands to his sides. “You really think you can take me down, little girl?” he snorted. “There won’t be a planet where I can’t find you. You’re ass belongs to me.”

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