Solar Express

Solar Express by L. E. Modesitt Jr. Page A

Book: Solar Express by L. E. Modesitt Jr. Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. E. Modesitt Jr.
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her head. In an infinite universe there had to be a cometary nucleus with silver traces. And finding something slightly odd wouldn’t distinguish her that much from the hundreds of others who made cometary discoveries, many of whom were dedicated amateurs. Professional-level jobs were difficult to find and even harder to hold, and the last thing she wanted was to have to go into some form of personal service, no matter how dignified the title or remunerative the pay, although most personal service didn’t pay that much.
    Almost another week [Earth measure] has gone by. I’ve got lots more observations and data, but nothing yet along the lines I’m looking for. That’s often the nature of observational astrophysics. I wouldn’t call it a “truth,” especially after your last quotation. I do think there’s a great deal of accuracy in those words, though. In terms of the havoc that proclamations of truth cause, is there any great difference between politicians, religious fanatics, and pathological liars, especially when they say things like, “The truth of the matter is…” and then go on to spout some nonsense? Scientists aren’t immune from believing in nonsense, of course, but most nonsense from scientists occurs when they venture outside their field. In time, any nonsense we spout within our field is usually discovered quickly. Usually, anyway.

    In the spirit of trading thought-provoking quotations, I’ve enclosed something a bit different.
    She called up the more lengthy selection she’d attached. Lengthy compared to what you sent before, but you don’t want him thinking he’s the only one who can find longer meaningful passages. Even as she thought that, she wondered why she cared so much about what he thought. It wasn’t as though they’d likely even see each other again. Her eyes dropped to the excerpt.
    Scientists too often accept the criticism that they don’t get excited. We do get excited. We just don’t get as excited in print or publication. Nor do we get excited about the everyday. Too many people get too passionate about too little, and not as excited about what matters. Who cares who won what event in the Olympics? Millions! Who got really excited and concerned about the carbon levels in the Earth’s atmosphere? Thousands, and they were all scientists. But everyone forgot who won what medal in two weeks, and the entire world was left coping with the disasters caused by the greenhouse effect fueled by increased carbon levels. People remember the great comets they have seen their entire life, or a spectacular view of the aurora borealis …
    She smiled, then ended the excerpt and went back to finishing the message.
    When she finished, she sent if off and called up her father’s latest message, with the formal address of R. James Grant—although his full name was Royster James Grant, and he only answered to James. She began to reread his message, if quickly, before sending a reply. She had time, for the moment, and she might not later.
    Dearest Alayna,
    I was beginning to worry about you when I hadn’t heard from you, but your latest reassured me, although I cannot say that I’m exactly sanguine about having an astrophysicist daughter all alone in a station in the middle of an isolated crater on the far side of the Moon, particularly when tensions appear to be rising between the Sinese Federation and everyone else. There’s more talk about Noram and the Sinese Federation militarizing space, and it strikes me that you might be rather vulnerable …
    Militarizing space? She hadn’t seen anything about that, even in the news summaries … except … hadn’t there been something on one of the sensationalist vidloids? HotNews! maybe. What would be the point of militarizing space? All that would do would be to raise taxes and put the whole world at greater risk. But then, her father

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