Social Neighbor (The Social Series Book 1)

Social Neighbor (The Social Series Book 1) by J.L. Mac Page A

Book: Social Neighbor (The Social Series Book 1) by J.L. Mac Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.L. Mac
Tags: Novel
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up to us. I looked to Matt and stifled a laugh.
    “Yeah, yeah. We’re leaving. Going to grab some burgers. McDonald’s sound good, babe?” Matt asked, hooking his arm in mine, extracting me from my very bad evening out in true knightly fashion.
    “Sounds good.” And it did. Cheap fast food and good company sounded so much better than fine dining with my father when it meant that my full stomach also came with a fresh broken heart and a wounded ego.

    My Super Nova
    M y stomach growled noisily and I considered ordering out, but the chance that Flor might catch sight of me while I sat in my wheelchair at the door signing a receipt was enough to keep sitting right where I was in front of the television, watching some show about a guy out in the wilderness with no shoes. Fascinating stuff but hardly an adequate distraction from my empty stomach.
    It was still only my first full day being out of the hospital and I was regretting the lack of resources available at Tommy’s apartment. I had assumed that getting into the kitchen would be no issue. Turned out, it was a big fucking issue. I wasn’t cleared for using a walker, a cane or crutches yet, so it was wheelchair only and the damned thing wouldn’t make the sharp ninety degree turn into Tommy’s small kitchen.
    I tried putting a little muscle behind it, hoping that the small front wheels would make it past the bottom cabinets but no dice. I tried backing into the kitchen and again, no dice. I gave it my best multiple times, only resigning myself to starvation after I had bloody knuckles on both hands from grazing the backs of my hands against the walls. I also considered ripping out the fucking cabinets limiting my access but that was my empty stomach talking.
    I knew I could ask Martin to bring me something if he was free. I could have asked my pain in the ass sister, whom I was still livid with, but I would have much preferred starvation over asking Halley to do a damn thing for me. It would only have given her a very valid point, one I hated admitting to, about the nurse she had hired to help me out. I could call Conrad and have him come back over, but I knew he was likely decompressing for the night. I couldn’t blame him.
    I wheeled back out into the living room and peered up onto the pass-through bar top where a basket of apples and oranges was sitting. They were a little old but still edible. I was glad that I kept the fruit on hand for post-gym snacks because until someone brought me some food, I was going to live like a rabbit.
    I wondered where Martin was as I snagged an apple, wiped the hazy film that covered it on my tee shirt and bit off a huge hunk. The thing about being extremely hungry was that no matter what you ended up eating, it tasted fucking amazing. My apple was no different. I picked my cell phone up with my free hand and opened my messages to send Martin a text.
    Maybe he hasn’t noticed my missed call.
    I shot him a text asking him where the hell he was, set my phone back down in my lap and snagged another apple. This was getting dire. Me, a pretty big guy living off four apples and four, five, six oranges for the foreseeable future? Not good.
    “Lieutenant Dan managed, didn’t he?” I muttered to my second apple that was already half gone.
    One thing that I hadn’t considered about being temporarily injured and left to my own devices in Tommy’s apartment with two apples and three oranges in my stomach was that going to the bathroom became…urgent.
    Bad call, Stone.
    I chastised myself as I wheeled and maneuvered as quickly as possible to the bathroom, wondering how long it would take me to transfer from my chair to the toilet and then rid myself of my sweats.
    I kept my eye on the prize as I successfully rounded the corner into the bathroom. My left hand banged against the door jam where I already had raw friction burns and gashes.
    “Come on, Stone!” I gritted my teeth, really hating myself at the moment. This

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