So Good: A Ribbon Ridge Novel (Love on the Vine Book 1)

So Good: A Ribbon Ridge Novel (Love on the Vine Book 1) by Darcy Burke Page A

Book: So Good: A Ribbon Ridge Novel (Love on the Vine Book 1) by Darcy Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darcy Burke
set it back down with a clack. “Never mind. This is a terrible conversation for us to have. Like I said earlier, we have a great working relationship. I should not be asking you for dating advice.”
    He chuckled. “Is that what you were doing? Well, I would say you should do what makes you feel good. Just be clear about what you want going in.”
    “That’s what you do?”
    “Absolutely. I like to have fun, but there’s nothing permanent with me.”
    She blinked at him. “Nothing? Ever?”
    Not in eight years, and he didn’t see an end to his current mindset. “Nope.”
    “Wow, that’s actually a little disturbing.”
    “Is it? I know what I want, and if it doesn’t float someone’s boat, there’s no harm done.”
    “I meant disturbing in that you don’t seem to miss having a significant other. But yeah, that shouldn’t be—it’s good to know you can be alone.” She gave him an intent but coy look. “Not that you’ve been alone. You’ve dated plenty of women whose boats were, I’m sure, well floated.”
    He grinned. “You’re getting it now—alone, but not alone.”
    A couple of guys who worked in sales at different wineries joined them. They all knew each other and visited for a few minutes before Brooke excused herself to use the restroom.
    When she was gone, one asked, “How long have you and Brooke been dating?”
    “We’re not.” Cam sipped his wine. “She’s distributing our wine.”
    “Nice,” the other one said, nodding. “So you’re definitely not dating?”
    Cam’s senses pricked at their interest. “Definitely not. But what do you care?”
    The second one, Joe, lifted a shoulder. “Just wondered about her availability. I asked her out a while back, but she said she wasn’t dating. When I saw her with you, I assumed her status had changed.”
    Status…as in whether she would date or not. It certainly seemed as though she was considering it. He could encourage Joe, but he didn’t want to. Man, he was a selfish bastard.
    “I don’t know,” Cam said. “You could try asking her out again.”
    “I might, thanks.”
    Cam finished off his wine, suddenly ready to leave. But he wouldn’t go until Brooke came back. When she returned, she glanced toward his empty glass. “You having another?”
    “Nah, I’m heading out.”
    The other guys looked at her expectantly, and when Cam vacated his seat, Joe took it. A tiny crease formed between Brooke’s eyes for just a moment. She looked at Cam. “I think I’m going to take off too.” She smiled at Joe and Sam. “See you guys.”
    They nodded at her. “See you, Brooke,” Joe said.
    Cam swung by the bar, where Allen was now sitting, and thanked him for sharing his wine. Allen shook his hand and Brooke’s and restated how he was looking forward to seeing her Monday. On their way out, Cam caught Luke’s interested eye and shook his head.
    “Did you want to go say hi to Luke?” Brooke asked as Cam opened the door for her.
    “I talked to him earlier.”
    “Ah.” She waved at Luke and smiled before she preceded Cam outside.
    “Thanks for letting me leave with you,” she said. “You’ve proven an effective shield tonight.”
    He laughed. “I’m happy to be your shield. Although don’t expect it to have a lasting effect. Joe asked if we were an item, and when I said no, he made it clear he was interested in asking you out. Again, apparently.”
    She exhaled. “I see.”
    “It’s your own fault for being so attractive.”
    She cast him a side eye as they strolled down Main Street. “Is that right? What should I do, forgo makeup? Stop washing my hair?”
    He doubted any of that would help. She was more than a pretty face—she was funny and fun. He had a great time with her. “You could try. Let me know how that works.”
    “Or, I could just say that we’re an item. Why not? You’re not dating anyone. I’m not dating anyone. It would keep the vultures at bay.”
    A laugh erupted from his chest. “They’re

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