Snow Heart

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Book: Snow Heart by Arvalee Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arvalee Knight
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“The whole god forsaken family.”
    “Uh…” Rusuto stood their dumbfounded. “No. But I’m sure if you give me time I could round everyone up in the large gazebo. Then again it is rather chilly outside and we wouldn’t want anyone to catch a cold.”
    Rusuto sighed overdramatically before saying, “Oh. Woe is me. Whatever shall I do?”
    Alric stared into the wooden surface of the table. “How about: get the hell out.”
    “Why I never—” Rusuto gasped and turned to leave the room but an overly-eager Angel pushed him back inside and out of her way.
    “Who is this?” asked Aunty, slightly unfamiliar with Jacob and Angel. She knew Eliza from short visits from the little girl but she had never seen Jacob or Angel in her life. She also had never met the next person to walk into the room. “Who is that?”
    Rusuto leapt at Dan, wrapping his arms around him. “My child prostitute.”
    “What the hell!” Dan shoved him away quickly. “Like hell I’m a prostitute.”
    Angel laughed, kneeling onto the ground next to Aunty. “I am Angel. Rusuto has told us so much about you. By the way, I just love your hair.”
    Aunty of course smiled at the compliment. “I like her already.”
    “I apologize for interrupting,” a man said in a cool mellow tone. He slowly walked to the door’s entrance and gave a look to Alric—asking permission to enter. Alric gave a nod and turned his head away to catch sight of the star-struck Nieves. Apparently she remembered the man from the night he kidnapped her from Boris’s house.
    Alric used Leon for small tasks and missions. He was one of the Cursed and one of the only ones who didn’t get abused. Leon was like a tamed kitten, doing whatever Alric asked without a second thought. To other people Leon was a puppet but he was much smarter than that.
    Being at Alric’s side had benefits—freedom outside of Macter land.
    “Alric,” Leon stated in a soft tone then began to gently whisper in his ear.
    The Head Macter’s face became all too lifeless, as if blocking out all emotions that would come to mind. He lifted to his feet and proceeded to follow Leon to the door.
    “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” asked Aunty with full authority.
    Alric looked over his shoulder at her. “Out. I’ll return when I choose.”
    “Rusuto,” Nieves asked as he led her back to the room. “Where is Wilhelm?” She still hadn’t learned of his whereabouts—even though she heard from Bartolemé that Wilhelm wasn’t allowed to be murdered.
    The smile on Rusuto’s face wavered only a little. “It’s his cursed-night.”
    Nieves’s felt confused. “His what?”
    “The Cursed-Ones turn into foxes at night according to a certain pattern,” Rusuto explained. “Tonight happens to be Wilhelm’s night. He’ll be in fox form until… well, sometimes it’s a day and sometime it’s a month.”
    “An entire month!”
    He laughed wholeheartedly, sliding open her bedroom door. “Yes. I’m afraid so. There’s no reason to worry about it. Wilhelm has lived with the curse for twenty-five years.”
    A certain feeling of sorrow welled inside of her but she pushed it aside until Rusuto left. The room Aunty gave her was not as large as Alric’s—for his was an entire apartment. Nieves slid onto her bed thankful it wasn’t a Japanese futon. In fact her room didn’t hold anything Oriental at all.
    A barren desk sat next to the bed while a small one-person breakfast table sat in the corner across the room. Nieves glanced around and saw that there was a single window that held a window seat to it. To her surprise, small stuffed animals sat patiently waiting for their owner to return—an owner that Nieves was oblivious to.
    “Nieves,” called Aunty who tapped her knuckle against the door. “Is it safe to come in?”
    “Oh. Yes.” Nieves rose from the bed and headed to the door but Aunty was already sliding it open. The shoji door was the only thing in the room that gave

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