Sleeping Jenny

Sleeping Jenny by Aubrie Dionne Page B

Book: Sleeping Jenny by Aubrie Dionne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrie Dionne
Tags: Sleeping Jenny
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was to be with him. He was staring right at me just like he’d said.
    Our eyes locked, and the world around me blurred to nothing. Even the song muted in my head. All I heard was his breath, and all I felt was his warm embrace. His head hung lower, and his lips brushed against mine.
    That was it. I lost control. I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his, wrapping my fingers around the back of his neck and pulling his head toward mine. The kiss tasted sublime, taking me to heights I’d never been before. It was only after our tongues met that I realized he was kissing me back.
    Fireworks exploded in my head. If anyone was to provide a reason for waking up, this was pretty darn convincing. I wanted to dance forever.
    A hand gripped my right shoulder and ripped me apart from him. Exara faced me with rage in her eyes, nostrils flaring. “Stay the hell away from my man.”
    Her hand came up, and I had a moment of is this really happening? before her fist hit my jaw and I went sprawling backwards on my butt. Maxim pushed himself in front of her, trying to calm her, but all I saw was a different set of fireworks exploding into a headache.
    The other students stopped dancing around us and stared. Even the music stopped. It was like the day I broke my leg. Only this was ten times worse.
    Principal Hall pushed through the crowd. “What’s going on here?”
    A girl from my second-period class blurted out, “Exara punched Jenny.”
    Exara fumed, held back by Maxim. She looked like she could have punched me again if he hadn’t intervened. I looked into Maxim’s eyes. He looked away and shook his head. He whispered something that looked very much like an apology into Exara’s ear. That hurt worse than her fist. He looked like I’d just fractured his perfect world.
    The principal knelt beside me. It was the first time I’d seen him in person and not on a screen. He had more wrinkles and age spots on his face. Somehow, it made him look kinder, less fake. “Is this true?”
    I nodded, rubbing my jaw, which throbbed with pain.
    He looked around at the other students, who all stared like I was a freak. “Witnesses?”
    A few of them raised their hands. He turned to Shizznizz, who had somehow managed to slip off the stage. “Who provoked the attack?”
    â€œShe did.” Shizznizz pointed to Exara. When the principal turned his head, Shizznizz gave me a wink, like he’d just done me a favor. I guess he had. I had more potential friends than I thought. I was just too wrapped up in my own problems to notice them. I glanced at Shizznizz and nodded in thanks.
    Principal Hall gestured for the chaperone teachers and pointed to Exara. “Take her away. Call her parents.” He turned back to me. “Come with me. I need to get a statement, file a report.”
    â€œI don’t want to press charges.” I was the one kissing her boyfriend, after all. In my mind, she was justified. My cheeks flamed in shame as I wobbled to my feet.
    â€œYou sure?”
    â€œYes. I’m fine.” Now, please go away so I can curl up in a ball and hide under a table .
    The principal squeezed my shoulder and addressed the rest of the crowd. “The next person who fights gets one week detention and probation.” He put up his hands like a game-show host. “On with the celebration.” The music began again, and the students started dancing like nothing had happened. Maybe nothing had happened to them , but my world came crashing down.
    Shizznizz asked if I was all right, but I just nodded and pushed through the crowd to the bathroom. I was disgusted with myself. How could I let the dance get so out of hand? Granted, Maxim was the one who asked me to dance, but I’d practically seduced him into that kiss. I’d risen up and pulled his head toward mine, and after that, I’d stuck my tongue in his mouth.
    I rubbed my hands over my reddening

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