Slave To Love

Slave To Love by Bridget Midway Page B

Book: Slave To Love by Bridget Midway Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bridget Midway
    “Good, then call me Jace.”
    “I had planned on it.” Rich pointed to a chair in front of his desk. “Have a seat.”
    Jace’s insides tightened immediately from the three lines he’d said to him. If he felt this uneasy already, he didn’t think the meeting would go well for him.
    “I’ve read your proposal. You’ve done some exceptional work in Virginia. You really built your business into something special.” Rich put his hand on top of the business proposal Jace had sent to him. “Is there any reason you haven’t gone to developers out in the east like New York? Why come to Arizona?”
    “Why not? I’ve read about you. Humble beginnings. Brought yourself up from nothing to this.” Jace raised his hands up to show off Rich’s top-level office in the high-rise building that carried his name. “I only want to associate myself with the best.”
    “And capture a west coast market, right?” Rich leaned back in his chair as he looked at Jace.
    “That wouldn’t hurt, either. I’m looking at expanding. I hope my proposal convinces you to partner with me.”
    “Actually, it does.” Rich pointed to Jace. “You have got some big balls. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a proposal like this from anyone asking to partner with me.” The more he spoke, the more his Mexican accent became prominent. “What truly impressed me were your numbers. What you’ve managed to do on your own is wonderful.”
    Jace smiled. He might be able to cut his trip short after all. This had been his third meeting this week. He had planned on doing this again when he went to Florida next week, and going to a builders association meeting the following week. He felt tapped out until Rich gave him a boost.
    Rich stood. “But like my mama always said, if something is too good to be true, then it probably is.”
    Jace felt his smile slipping down his face. “Excuse me?”
    He came around his desk to stand beside Jace. “I’ve been doing this a long time, son.”
    The son tag made Jace bristle. He continued sitting and listening to what Rich had to say.
    Rich leaned back against his desk and looked down at Jace. “I did a little research. The quality of your work is impeccable. No complaints from buyers or customers. I’d be a fool not to want to associate myself with you and your work.”
    Jace felt a “but” coming.
    “However, the real estate market is down. No one is buying so these new homes you’re building are sitting there, collecting dust.”
    Jace gritted his teeth for a moment before he spoke. “I admit that turnover has been slow. But it’s always steady, and I always make a profit.”
    “Yes, you do. Another reason I found your proposal attractive. And you’re a fighter. I like that.” Rich patted Jace on his shoulder. “I’d like some time to consider your offer.”
    Jace nodded, but inside he wanted some confirmation that he had this deal. “Is there anything you need or want to know in order to agree to this union?”
    Rich sighed. “You had mentioned my rise from my humble beginnings. You are correct about that. I’ve worked hard to establish an honest and spotless brand. I don’t want that perception tarnished. I’d be more than willing to work with you as long as you do nothing to put a stain on my brand.”
    Jace nodded. He understood, especially nowadays, how perception equaled reality to some people.
    “I’ve worked hard to make sure that my customers are satisfied.” Jace continued pushing his impeccable company. “You don’t have anything to worry about with me.”
    Rich smiled. “I like hearing that. I’ll like it more when I’ve had some time to digest all of this information and do some of my own research. Make a follow-up appointment with Harvey at the desk for a month from today. I’ll be happy to give you my decision then. Deal?”
    The weight of the world fell off Jace’s shoulders. He stood to shake Rich’s hand. “Sounds fair. Thank you.”
    “Probably not the

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