SKIN (Demon Chaser 4)

SKIN (Demon Chaser 4) by Charlene Hartnady Page A

Book: SKIN (Demon Chaser 4) by Charlene Hartnady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Hartnady
the biscuit she was
nibbling on.
    “What color is the nursery?” Estelle was
trying to defuse the situation. Gaby’s hearts sank, she was the world’s worst
mom; she still hadn’t bought anything for the babies. Something she planned on
rectifying as soon as they were back in town.
    “Mint green and white together with
Oregon pine,” Phoenix turned to her and winked. Gaby felt her mouth gape and
quickly pulled it closed.
    “I’ll let Gaby add the final touches
once we know for sure whether the pups are male or female.”
    Gaby smiled at Phoenix. He’d obviously
meant it as a surprise, trust Phoenix to think of everything.
    Estelle’s eyes burned with excitement.
“I’ve started knitting blankets, I’ll keep them white. You need to let us know
what else you need.”
    “Easy honey. Don’t overwhelm our guest.”
Surge winked at Gaby while sliding a hand around his wife’s waist.
    As long as Phoenix’s family accepted
her, she could handle anything. The thought of meeting the pack had her hands
turning clammy though.

Chapter Seven
     The clearing turned out to be just
that, a large clearing in the middle of a dense forest. Fairy lights twinkled
in the trees and a huge bonfire blazed at the center. There were tables and
chairs adorned with checkered table clothes to the one side.
    A whole crowd of demon wolves of all
ages and sexes had gathered. Phoenix squeezed her hand. “Stay close,” he
    The low level buzz turned to icy silence
as they entered the clearing. Phoenix stepped in next to Gray. He slid an arm
around her and pulled her in. It wasn’t lost on her that he had positioned
himself slightly ahead of her.
    Many of the wolves looked at her with
open interest while some looked with clear hostility. The tension was thick.
Although Phoenix exuded calm, she could feel the apprehension in his rigid
    “We’re here today to officially
introduce Gaby to the pack.”
    “She’s a skin.” A large wolf stepped
forward at the front of the crowd.
    Phoenix growled menacingly.
    Gray glanced their way before turning
back to the crowd. “She is Phoenix’s chosen female. She carries his pups.” He
turned to face them, “I welcome you to the pack Gaby.”
    She inclined her head.
    “Skins and wolves do not mix,” the same
older wolf in the front continued.
    “Jared,” Gray addressed the older wolf.
“You accepted Ashlyn. I know that change can be difficult, but I am asking that
you accept this female. You’ve known Phoenix since he was a whelp. We need to
honor his choice.”
    “Ashlyn is a human. Please don’t ask us
to accept a skin.”
    Phoenix’s grip on her tightened and a
low growl resonated from deep inside his chest. It vibrated through her. So
menacing it had goose bumps forming on her skin even though she knew it wasn’t
directed at her.
    A much younger wolf stepped forward. Big
and mean looking. His hands were fisted at his sides, his muscles bulging. The
wolf’s face was contorted in anger. “How can you ask this of us? She is a
filthy skin.”
    One second Phoenix was next to her and
the next he was on the wolf. One meaty thud and the wolf was knocked back. The
younger wolf snarled and took a swipe at Phoenix who was too quick. He took a
graceful step back to avoid the blow and head butted the younger wolf. In a
flurry of partially erupted claws and paws, the other wolf fell back and
would’ve landed on his back if Phoenix didn’t grab him by the throat in a move
too quick for her to take in since her demon was dormant.
    The younger wolf’s eyes widened, his
features pulled back to human. The only sign of Phoenix’s wolf were the claws
at the end of his hands and a healthy set of dangerous looking canines. “Defy
our Alpha again and you may not live to regret it next time.”
    Gray stepped forward. “Any wolf who defies
me will feel my claws. Gaby is with pup. She has been chosen by one of our own
and will be accepted by this pack.”
    The same older wolf took

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