Sisterhood Of Lake Alice

Sisterhood Of Lake Alice by Mari M. Osmon Page A

Book: Sisterhood Of Lake Alice by Mari M. Osmon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari M. Osmon
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attorney to notify her in writing, with an additional note stating that neither Rebecca nor Monica were to attempt to have any contact with him. He promised himself that his family would never know about the graceful young woman that he watched crossing the stage at graduation.
    Tim had convinced himself that doing this would remove the guilt that stained his soul. It did not. His wife saw a changed man when he returned from his mother’s funeral. She assumed that the death had somehow been more traumatic than he had acknowledged. Whatever had happened, Tim had a deep, empty look in his eyes that she had never seen before.
    Rebecca’s mother received the certified letter from Tim’s attorney. For several weeks, she thought about how she was going to tell Rebecca that her father thought money was a substitute for a relationship with his daughter. She almost felt sorry for him. He had missed knowing a truly exceptional young woman.
    Ever since graduation, Monica was haunted by the look on Tim’s face. His expensive clothes could not mask the empty man who wore them. In July, Monica was shocked when she received the first bank statement from Lincoln Bank showing deposits of more than $5,000. Monica would tell Rebecca that weekend. She decided to get the weekly wash going before starting the emotional conversation.
    As Monica was carrying the clothes into the basement, she was daydreaming about the money when she lost her balance. She fell down the flight of stairs, landing on the hard, concrete basement floor. She cried for help for almost an hour before Ruby heard her. By the time the ambulance arrived, Monica knew that she had broken both her left leg and arm.
    Rebecca received the call at Emily’s house, where she had spent the night. Grandma Ruby was so excited that she had been difficult to understand. Rebecca had no idea what to expect as she rushed to the hospital. She found her mother being prepared for surgery to set both her arm and leg. As she was being wheeled into surgery, Monica looked at the two people she loved most in this world and simply asked them to pray for her.
    The following day, Rebecca came to visit Monica with fresh-cut roses from their garden. Monica smiled as she told Rebecca that she needed to share some news with her. She told Rebecca about the transfer of the properties and the joint account that now held $5,000, with more to come each month.
    Rebecca was startled by the news. She had worried for a long time about the financial burden for college, which was placed solely on her mother’s shoulders. Even with a full scholarship, there were still many extra expenses. Now with her mother out of work, the news seemed to be a small miracle for them. Instead of being hurt by her father thinking money made up for his absence, she was convinced that this was a gift from God to help them. She took it as a sign to do well at college and to be assured that her mother and grandmother would be okay financially.
    Monica simply hugged her positive-thinking daughter and once again said a prayer of thanks to God for her wonderful gift named Rebecca.
    By the end of August, Monica was beginning to heal. She still wore her arm in a sling and a cast on her leg. However, she was now able to move around their little house with ease. Grandma Ruby had taken over some of the household chores, which she seemed to enjoy more these days. It looked as though everyone was going to survive.
    After much discussion, the decision was made to take a small amount of the money out of the bank each month for daily living expenses for Monica and Ruby. They traded in their old car, which broke down on a regular basis, for a newer model. Rebecca would receive a monthly allowance so she would not have to work during school. Monica decided to go from full-time to part-time at her job, which would give her more time to spend with Ruby. She also hoped to do some volunteer work at the hospital.
    Because they were fearful of

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