Sinners of Magic
kingdom, but not everyone abides by the rules.’
    ‘ Where is
here?’ Crystal interrupted. She was beginning to take more notice
of the lush green countryside and wide-open spaces that surrounded
them, suddenly aware of how vulnerable they could be to an
    ‘ This is the
passageway known as Cleric’s Ridge,’ Tremlon explained, flicking
his head towards the horizon. ‘Once we arrive through the gates of
our kingdom our magic is no longer bound and we will be
    ‘ So why
aren’t you allowed to use strong magic outside of your kingdom?’
Crystal asked, wishing to understand the strange restriction a
little better.
    ‘ Our laws
tell us we should only use magic in our own kingdoms so as not to
dominate the weaker realms,’ Tremlon explained with a
    ‘ Well, what
about our world, do the same rules apply there?’ Matt asked,
setting his face in a hard scowl, ‘I mean, let’s face it, you were
about as subtle as a brick back there!’
    Tremlon’s eyes narrowed and he
flicked the reins hard, causing the horses to almost jolt him out
of his seat, and when Crystal turned to look at him, she thought
Matt looked quite angry.
    ‘ I’m sure
we’re going to be alright,’ she soothed, holding his hand and
trying her best to ease the glare in his eyes.
    ‘ What were we
thinking coming here?’ Matt gasped, his anger still simmering.
‘We’re virtually prisoners and it’s all our own doing.’
    Crystal let her hand fall, the
truth hitting her like a slap in the face. Matt was right, they
were at the mercy of these mystical beings; how could she have been
so stupid to come here so willingly? It was too late to turn back
now; she knew Tremlon would never let her go. She had inadvertently
put them both in great danger and a hard lump filled her
    ‘ I’m so
sorry,’ she whispered, causing Matt’s glare to soften. ‘I should
never have asked you to come here with me.’
    The sun was already showing
signs of setting when one of the guards made his way to the side of
the wagon and suggested they stop for the night.
    ‘ There’s a
tavern just north of here,’ he told them, pointing ahead. ‘We can
stop there and carry on again in the morning.’ Crystal grabbed hold
of Tremlon’s arm, forcing him to look at her.
    ‘ How long are
you expecting us to stay?’ she asked, looking at his face for a
sign of a clue.
    ‘ Don’t worry
about that,’ he replied, shrugging her hand away. ‘Time has stood
still in the earth world; so when you return, it will be as though
you have never left.’
    ‘ Are you
sure?’ she pressed, her voice wavering with un-spilled emotion.
‘Because I don’t want my mum frantic with worry, thinking I’ve been
kidnapped or worse ...’
    ‘ You’re going
to have to learn to trust me and listen to what I say,’ said the
shape-changer, drawing his lips into a tight line. He pulled at the
reins and slowed the horses. ‘You’ve got a lot to learn, little
one, and it will take much time for you to understand our ways. Do
not fear your destiny for it is your fate that you should come
    ‘ Don’t say
stuff like that,’ Crystal snapped. ‘Why, here I am, in the middle
of God knows where, with God knows who, with creatures out there
that would willingly hurt me, and you’re telling me it’s my
    ‘ Listen to
me!’ Tremlon suddenly hissed. ‘You are unique, the only one of your
kind; without you, we could all be lost.’
    ‘ So it’s
true, you do know more than you’re telling me,’ she retorted, her
eyes flashing with hostility. ‘I damn well knew it!’ Tremlon
glanced away.
    ‘ Perhaps we
can talk later,’ he said, staring ahead. ‘Look, we are approaching
the tavern.’
    As the sun finally set, Tremlon
stood at the side of the wagon, his hand resting on his leather
    ‘ Men,
inside!’ he shouted, directing the elves towards the main door of
the tavern. He turned to take Crystal’s hand to help her from the
wagon. She

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