Silver Tongued Devils
hell out
of here.” Raesa yell ended in a cough. It sealed with a
    “Get strapped in,” Brom said. A loud
explosion rocked the side of the ship.
    Na’varr instinctively steadied Raesa.
“Report,” he ordered.
    “We were hit with an anti-raid
blaster. Get to a damn seat and strap yourselves in.”
    Na’varr wrapped his arm around her
shoulders and hauled her forward. She stumbled but caught her pace.
They raced across the cargo bay to the closest seats they could
    He took in her disheveled appearance,
the too-wide eyes, the way she favored her leg. They wouldn’t make
it up to the helm where Brom had control of the ship. He would have
to wait until they were in space before he could get her to MEDbay
and figure out the extent of her injuries. His scan would wait
until he could head up to the bridge and tear Brom a new asshole
for going against his direct orders.
    “We’re in.” Raesa winced and pulled
the safety harness away from the side she’d favored in her
    Terror chilled his blood. How
extensive were her injuries? What had happened to make everything
go so fucking wrong?
    “Brace for launch,” Brom said. “This
is going to suck.”

Chapter Three
    “I smell blood.” Brom glanced up from
his position at the helm. It was unusual for the hybrid to be
manually flying the ship, so the damage must have been greater than
she imagined.
    Beside her, Na’varr waved a hand.
“It’s just some scrapes.”
    Brom’s amber gaze moved from the
captain to Raesa, piercing her where she stood. “Not you.
    She made a sound of exasperation. “I’m
fine. He’s the one who got beat all to hell.”
    Brom engaged a switch and stalked
toward her. Raesa stepped back, unsure why his intensity was
weirding her out. “Hey, Tiger. No need to go all feral cat on
    His lips didn’t even twitch. “Where
were you injured?”
    “On my back and hip. I took a fall on
my way out. No big deal.”
    His demand instantly enraged and
turned her on. “Hell no.”
    A slow smile spread across his
handsome face. The brief show of fang reminded her hybrids were
predators first.
    He could smell her arousal and she
knew it.
    “If she says she’s fine, leave her
be.” Na’varr’s statement made Brom growl low in his
    Brom hauled her against him, pressing
his nose to her throat. “Do you want me to take a bite,
    “Maybe.” The word came out in a
breathy whisper. Why the hell was he so irritated? She was the one
who was scared shitless of something happening to them. Her fingers
dug into his shirt. It had taken everything she had not to throw
herself at Na’varr in the cargo hold. Now she couldn’t let go of
Brom if her life depended on it.
    “Your injuries.” He ran his fingers
down her side. It was sexy as hell until he dug his grip into the
bruise forming on her hip.
    She hissed.
    He brushed a kiss against a scrape on
her cheek. “This was a rookie mistake.”
    Vulnerability shattered and anger rose
to the top. Her lust instantly froze. She let him go. “Oh the hell
with you and your self-righteous crap. I wasn’t the one who
abandoned my post in the middle of the mission to play
    “The plan was doomed to fail the
moment Na’varr won the fight. I knew it. You should have known it.”
He stepped away and glanced at the captain. “You should have seen
it a mile away, Na’varr.”
    Raesa glanced between both men. A
tightly veiled tension resonated between them. One that made her
wonder if they were going to go to blows.
    Na’varr remained quiet and her heart
ached at his silence. Where was her confident lover?
    “Why won’t you say anything, Na’varr?”
Brom tilted his head. “Once upon a time, you were
    “If you’re talking about the foreman,
I already told you, no killing if we can avoid it.”
    “Why?” Brom shouted the
    “If we leave a trail of dead bodies
behind us, how are we any different than them?”

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