Silver Spurs
thankful they’d found an English store in Portland that carried a selection of nice-quality clothing and equipment on consignment, and both she and Tori were able to get outfitted at a reasonable cost.
    Pretty much everything was done, and Kate released a sigh. She was too keyed up to be tired, even if she’d been up for three hours, and it was only eight o’clock in the morning. The first class would start in an hour, and both she and Tori needed to groom their horses and make sure all their tack was in order. She elbowed Tori as they walked down the alleyway. “Aren’t you excited? It’s our first show, and we both get to compete.”
    Tori rubbed her belly. “I’m not sure if I’m excited or sick, but my stomach feels like it’s going to heave.”
    Kate slipped her arm through Tori’s. “You’re nervous. It will all go away as soon as you ride into the ring. I’ll bet it’s the same as walking onto a stage when you’re in a play. You say your opening line and voilà! Everything is back to normal, and the show goes on.”
    â€œYeah. Or you stand there and faint or hurl all over the stage.”
    â€œHmm.” Kate swung Tori around and gazed at her. “This is the first time you’re pastier than me, and I’ve got pale skin. Shake it off, girl. It’s not like you’re going in front of a firing squad.”
    â€œFeels like it.” Tori groaned and pressed her hands into her abdomen. “Seriously, I’m not sure I’ll get through this without being sick.”
    Kate tugged her forward. “Come on. You’ll forget all about it as soon as you start grooming Mr. Gray. Hasn’t it been fun riding him? I can’t believe how much you’ve improved! You know how to post now and everything.”
    â€œI’m glad I’m only entering the walk-trot class for beginners. I don’t think I could handle any more than that.”
    They continued down the alleyway. Suddenly Mocha’s stall door slid open, and Melissa catapulted out, almost running into Kate. “There you are. I was coming to find you.”
    Kate took a step back. “What’s up?” She didn’t care for Melissa’s scowl or the brittleness of her tone.
    â€œI’m in several classes today, and the person who usually grooms for me and changes tack can’t come. I need you to take care of that for me.”
    Kate crossed her arms over her chest. “Sorry. No can do.”
    Melissa seemed to look at Kate for the first time. “Why are you in riding gear? You and your parents run this place. Shouldn’t you be taking care of your customers?”
    Kate almost had to bite her tongue to keep from saying something she’d regret. Only her mother’s warning that morning about being kind to their customers reined in her temper. “We’re competing in classes too. And no, it’s not our job to take care of our boarders today. This is a horse show that happens to be held at our barn. We’re hosting it, not putting it on. We’re as free to take part as anyone else.”
    â€œSo who’s going to help me?” Melissa’s voice dropped to a low rumble. “I have to win those silver spurs, and I think you’re being mean not to agree.”
    Kate couldn’t keep a lid on her emotions any longer. “Well, sor-ry !” She grabbed Tori’s hand, and they continued down the alleyway to Capri’s stall. “She’s got some nerve!” she hissed close to Tori’s ear. “Who does she think she is? And why did she say she has to win the spurs?”
    â€œDunno. Pretty weird, if you ask me.” Tori slapped her forehead. “We didn’t grab the grooming box for Capri. Guess we’ll have to make a dash to the tack room and hope she doesn’t see us.”
    â€œUgh.” Kate grunted and leaned against the inside of the stall as Capri

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