Signs of Love

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Book: Signs of Love by Kimberly Rae Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Rae Jordan
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basic stuff," Alana said. "Being that Genevieve is still so young, we're learning the signs that relate to what she most likely would be able to communicate if she were a hearing child. Hi. Bye. Hungry. More. Mommy. Daddy. Things like that."
    Justin knew that if he hoped to have any type of relationship with his niece in the years ahead, he would need to learn the language she used to communicate. Over the weekend, he'd had time to think over the whole situation. Not just about what had transpired with Alana, but also what was happening to Genevieve. He'd realized he needed to disconnect what had happened to their family in the past from what was currently going on with Genevieve. Though her hearing loss would definitely change the way her future might play out, she was still healthy. She was alive. She deserved to have the people in her life support her.
    And none of this had taken God by surprise. But what could possibly be His plan for something like that? Justin wanted so badly to understand. That's always what it came down to for him. Needing to understand.
    "I will try to learn as best I can," Justin said. "Languages have never really been my thing."
    "Oh, Justin, thank you." Beth scooted out of her chair and came to hug him before Justin could even blink. "I knew you'd come around."
    "You and I can practice together," Daniel said with a grin. "Languages aren't really my thing either."
    He glanced at Alana, but her face was expressionless. He wondered if she'd been hoping he'd refuse to learn. Something told him this was the second time she'd underestimated him. Of course, he'd underestimated her as well. Though she gave off an air of vulnerability and, at times, fearfulness, Justin was beginning to see that she had strength underneath it all. It would have taken strength to leave an abusive situation and build a new life. From all appearances, she'd done a good job. Caden seemed to be a fairly well-adjusted child, all things considered.
    The boy's only failing appeared be in choosing Justin as a person to be admired.

    Alana was thankful for all the years of practice she had at managing her facial expressions. She'd learned to smile and be social even when every inch of her body pulsed with pain. It had taken her awhile to figure out that Craig had wanted a certain reaction from her. At first, she'd tried to keep from crying—tried to present him with a strong front—but that had only seemed to infuriate him even more. He usually stopped when she was a crumpled weeping ball on the floor. And once she realized that was what he wanted, she made sure to get to that point as soon as she could without raising his suspicions that she was manipulating him.
    Unfortunately, she had a hard time reading Justin, which made her a little uneasy. Twice now she'd figured him wrong. That was bad enough, but it was Caden's reaction to him that had her more concerned. She had no idea what exactly it was that had drawn him to Justin, but she had a feeling it had something to do with all the muscles, guns and macho-ness that made up Justin Morrell. Of course, added to that was the fact that Justin actually paid attention to him which no doubt made him rate pretty high in Caden's opinion.
    Unfortunately, Caden wasn't the only one who was drawn to the man. Even though their own interactions had been a bit rocky, seeing how Justin was with Caden offset that for Alana. The way he'd looked right at Caden when replying—even though she had to translate—meant a lot to her.
    So often people would look at her when answering since they knew she'd have to sign it for Caden. But Justin had looked right at her son and answered his question. The first time he'd done it, she'd wanted to thank him, and when he'd done it the second time she'd just about hugged him. He'd shown respect for Caden and that meant the world to her. It was almost enough to make her forgive him for what had happened on Saturday.
    "Why don't we get this cleared

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