
Sidelined by Kyra Lennon Page A

Book: Sidelined by Kyra Lennon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyra Lennon
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
because I didn’t have my straighteners with me. If I sat with my feet up on the bed, would I seem too over-familiar?
    Sheesh. I always sat with my feet up on the bed. Sometimes I even sprawled myself out while we chatted because he made me so damn comfortable. Not now, though.
    Was he really that hot when I first met him? Or did he seem hotter now because I’d only recently opened my eyes to it? To him. His blond hair was shorter than when I first met him, more cropped, and his eyes… green, sparkling.
    It wasn’t only about the way he looked. It was everything.
    “Are you okay?”
    I blinked at the sound of Jesse’s voice, bringing myself back to the moment instead of daydreaming.
    “Yeah. I’m okay. I think I’m still recovering from the journey home. I’ve never driven in weather like that before.”
    We both threw our glances to the window. No change. If anything the sky had gotten even darker, the cracks of thunder were louder and the lightning flashes were brighter. When Jesse turned back at me his face had grown serious.
    “Bree, is everything cool between you and Jude?”
    Crap. He knows. He’s figured me out.
    “Yes. Everything’s cool. Cool, cool, cool.”
    I’m such a loser.
    The faintest smile graced Jesse’s lips before fading again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell. After tapping a few buttons, he handed it to me.
    Jesse, I think u should know. I talked 2 Bree, we went 2 Genies & she told me she doesn’t want 2 b with Jude anymore. She said she’s in love with u and she wants to break u and ur girlfriend up. I thought I should warn u.
    My throat closed over, my mouth opening and closing unattractively as I tried to locate some words to explain.
    “How much of that is true?”
    I tugged at the end of my ponytail, desperately trying to figure out where to start. Everyone was right. I was dumb and naïve and way too trusting. Even though I didn’t really trust her . I just couldn’t stop my mouth vomiting out the words. Like always, Taylor had twisted them, making them into something more than they were.
    “This isn’t… this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
    His eyes burned through me, not in an angry way, more like a totally confused way. The strength of his stare made my stomach tighten.
    “I saw her. We did go to Genie’s. The rest is…”
    Unable to figure out what I wanted to say, I bent forward, placing my head in my hands.
    “Why were you with her?”
    “Fight with Jude,” I mumbled, wishing I could melt away into nothingness to end my humiliation. “Taylor was… there.”
    “What else is new? She’s always there.”
    My head snapped up. “Has she been here?”
    Jesse nodded. “I’ve seen her outside the house once or twice. I don’t care about that, though. I care about you.”
    Why wouldn’t Taylor leave us all alone? Why did she call Kayla, and follow me, and hang around outside Jesse’s house? How could she seem so cool one minute then stab me in the back the next?
    “Jesse, what she said… it’s not true. I mean, you gotta know I would never try to break up a relationship. I know you love Isabelle.”
    “Relax, Bree. I do know that. I’m more worried about you and Jude. You told me things weren’t so great between you. I didn’t realise they were so bad you had to turn to Taylor.”
    “I didn’t turn to her. Not deliberately, anyway. You know how I am. When I need to talk-”
    “You need to talk,” he finished, and his lips turned up into a full smile.
    My chest ached because right then, when he was so in sync with me and my thoughts, I felt more for him than I ever intended. It had grown slowly, and it wasn’t love but if things were different. Maybe.
    A tear dripped down my cheek, splashing down onto my jeans.
    Oh great.
    “I’m so dumb.” More tears rained down my cheeks. “I should have stayed away from her. I should have listened to the voice inside me telling me to shut up as

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