Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet)

Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet) by La'Tonya West Page A

Book: Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet) by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
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thought that I was going to be alone in this world because his family can’t stand me and I’m not that close with my own family. For months, I was by myself, pregnant and depressed without a soul to talk to about it except Evan. I would sit in the house and rub my belly talking to him but mostly apologizing to him for being such a fuck up. Then that day at the doctor’s office God sent you. I am a firm believer that people cross paths in life for a reason and that it’s not by mistake. You and I were both going through a rough patch in our lives when we met. He brought us together to help each other through the rough.” I saw a tear roll down her cheek and she reached up and wiped it away. Seeing her become emotional cause me to become emotional as well and my eyes started to tear up. Never taking her eyes off of the road, she continued. “The day that I gave birth to Evan, none of Johnathan’s family showed their faces and my family showed up late, after everything was over but you were right there by my side from the first labor pain until I pushed him out. I appreciate that more than you could ever know. I say that to say, you have been a good friend to me and been by my side when I’ve needed you so there is no way in hell that I am not going to be here for you. Now again…if Tre or any of his little ratchet bitches wants to get stupid, we can get stupid right along with them. I ain’t saying we gone win the battle but we ain’t going out without a bang damn it!”
                  I burst into laughter and so did she, both of us wiping our tears.
                  “Nisey, you’re a fool!” I shook my head continuing to laugh.
                  “Yeah, I know.” She agreed. “I love you girl.”
                  “I love you too.” I looked at my friend and realized that our friendship had become something more. She had become my sister…we were family.
    Nisey woke me up by calling my name just as we turned into Tre’s driveway. I sat up, stretched and then glanced at the time on the dashboard clock while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. It was a little after noon. I reached up and flipped down the sun visor and looked in the mirror. I rubbed my hair down because it was a little dishevel and applied some gloss to my lips.
    “You good?” Nisey asked running her hands over her hair as well as she looked into the mirror on the driver’s side.
    “ Yeah, I’m good.” I replied flipping the sun visor back up. “Thank you so much for driving all the way here. My plan was to let you drive halfway and then take over but obviously I was more tired than I’d thought.”
    “Girl, it’s all good. I didn’t mind.” She said waving me off and then pointing at the three cars parked in the driveway. “Tre has a lot of company doesn’t he?”
    “ One of those cars belongs to his parents, one belongs to Mina and the cream colored one is his.” I told her as I opened up the door to get out. As I stepped out of the car the nervous feeling that I’d been feeling earlier returned. “I sure hope Tre doesn’t act stupid and lord knows I hope that his parents haven’t allowed him to brainwash them into thinking that I am an unfit mother.”
    “Girl , don’t let that mess worry you, ain’t nobody thinking about Tre or his parents. Those are your babies and they need to be back with you. Where was everybody for the first few months of their lives when you were doing everything by yourself? You took damn good care of those girls then and nothing happened to them.” She smacked her lips. “Hmph, you are better than me anyways because gun or no gun that nigga wouldn’t have taken my babies no damn where.”
    I saw that she was getting heated and I didn’t want her to go inside

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