
Shy... by Unknown Page A

Book: Shy... by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
to resemble a sort of short mini skirt. I had to stop my hands
from reaching out and taking hold of those lovely feminine spheres – so
tempting and yet so forbidden. Every inch of her sweet body turned me on...
    Now you’d think with all the availability of the internet, I’d
have seen some lewd material by now, huh? Well, not hardly! A quality cable
connection is still mighty difficult to come by this far up north. Only the
wealthiest of families even have a basic, useable connection speed. I didn’t
have any – and what’s worse, no friends rich enough to have the coveted speeds
either. Sure, there was talk of such and such having some awesome video downloaded
in 240p resolution. Lovely footage featuring one of the sexier women from down
the street being thrilled and satisfied in any number of ways. Sadly I had
never seen such things, although I will admit the mere thought did arouse my
biggest interest.
    And so the anatomy of the female body remained a mystery to me – a
distant, undiscovered land, surrounded by myths and legends of wondrous and
fanciful lore.
    I craved to explore this realm more than anything in the world…
and yet my timid nature had left me devoid, absent of any of its riches and
    “Excuse me?” intoned the girl.
    Uh oh… caught! The red heat swept across my face again.
    “Ye—umm, do we, mo—err…” was all I could utter.
    She giggled, and dare I say, I think she did, yes, glanced
directly down at my crotch region.
    “This way, please.”
    Here the girl spun around rather sensually before sashaying toward
a large bench roughly ten feet away.
    “Oh yes, of course,” I mumbled.
    But I had good reason to. Dear lord! If you thought her bosoms
were gorgeous, you should have seen the perky tail! Two more feminine spheres
of slightly larger proportions and an even more tantalizing nature. I felt my
jaws clench tightly at the thought of diving straight in and planting my face
right between the crease of her rump. Oh boy, another jolt of energy ran down
to my nether region. The swelling was imminent.
    I trailed in after the girl, hoping the movement would somehow
distract the growing surprise in my pants.
    “You know, I saw you out there,” she said without looking back.
    “Mmhmm. You were quite cute... and good,” the girl now leaned over
the bench in front of me, and to my dirty mind, appeared to be presenting her sumptuous
behind to me!
    “ Come here,” she said.
    “W-w-w-hat?” I muttered.
    “Here,” she pointed at something near the breathtaking rear-end,
“I want you to come here.”
    I did as told, approaching with marked apprehension. Although my
body did halt a few paces short. Hearing a woman ask me to come on her ass
certainly wasn't helping my throbbing situation...
    “Here,” she said again, still sweetly, but slightly impatient this
time – and she grabbed my arm, pulling me in close.
    The feeling of her soft hand upon my skin caused my heart to skip
a beat. It felt like all the blood was busy rushing away to one specific part
of me… one I wished would just go away right now!
    “Have you ever seen one of these?” she asked.
    I was afraid to look, I must say. Who knows what this racy lass
had in store for me. Yet, she reached forward for something on the bench. A
tool of some sort, still holding my arm. And here I noticed the stretching
motion caused her lower back to arch, even further taunting me with the perfect
booty before me. My head was only two feet or so away from the object. The
pants so tight, I could clearly see all beneath the thin material.
    “This,” intoned the voice again, as the object in her hand came
into view. But just as I began taking sight of the item… her hand, the one that
had previously been gripping my arm, slid down to my upper thigh… and
progressed farther inward, almost grazing my--- YIKES!

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