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Book: Shiver by Amber Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Garza
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into the mug, I made the mistake of leaning against the counter. When I pulled back, my sleeve stayed. I yanked harder until it came free. Glancin g down , I surmised it was probably maple syrup.
    “Don’t turn your back on m e, young lady. I expect an explanation.”
    My head was really throbbing now. Squinting, I turned to face Mom.
    “Have you been drinking?” She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips.
    Anger bubbled inside of me . “Oh please. Don’t act all high and mighty. Where were you last night? At the bar?”
    Mom’s face reddened. “That’s it!” She threw her arms up in exasperation. “I can’t do this anymore. I’m sending you to your grandma’s for the summer.”
    I almost laughed at the absurd ity of her threat . “Grandmas? As in your mother who you haven’t spoken to in years? Yeah, right.” Grabbing my mug off the counter, I pushed past Mom and walked toward my room.
    “I’m serious, Mackenzie!” Mom called after me.
    See, she’s trying to get rid of you. She doesn’t want you. You ’ r e worthless.
    An icy breeze blew over me. The familiar words ran through my mind like a mantra. As if guided by unseen hands, I ended up in the bathroom. There was only one thing that would make me feel better.
    Do it.
    As if in obedience to the voice in my head, I slammed the bathroom door and reached into the medicine cabinet for my remedy.
    On Monday , m y best friend Haley and I walked together into the cafeteria with a s warm of students pushing past . The scent of sweat, tennis shoes and fried food permeated my senses. Loud laughing and chatting swirled around us.
    “ Do you really think she’ll send you away for the summer ?” Haley raised a brow while tossing a lon g strand of auburn hair over her shoulder .
    “ I don’t know . Normally I wouldn’t believe her , but I do think she wants to get rid of me. With me gone, she can spend all her time with her new boy-toy. ” We arrived at our table and sat down on the bench.
    “She has a new boyfriend? Hopefully he’s not a loser like the last one. ” Haley scrunched up her freckled nose.
    “Who has a b oyfriend ?” Chelsea squeezed in next to us, choking me with the scent of too much perfume. Her over made-up lips smiled at me , and she batted her long lashes under the fringe of her platinum blonde hair.
    “No one.” I shook my head and threw Haley a severe look that told her to keep her mouth shut. We’d been best friends since seventh grade, so we didn’t always need words to communicate. Haley immediately closed her mouth and lowered her gaze.
    Chelsea was nice enough , but I didn’t really trust her. Haley and I moved up to the popular table a few weeks ago when Caleb and I started talking. Before that, Chelsea and her friends wouldn’t give us the time of day.
    “Are you and Caleb finally a couple ? I wondered when he’d make it official.” Chelsea snapped on her pink bubble gum, emitting a fruity smell into the air. I never saw Chelsea eat, only chew gum. I guess that’s how she stayed so thin. “Oooh, were you guys at Scarlet’s party this weekend? I was so bummed I had to miss it. ”
    I frowned. Haley’s face paled. Neither of us wanted to share the outcome of that party.
    “Who’s talking about a party?” Caleb slid in next to me, his thigh touching mine. His proximity sent my pulse racing. “If you mean the one this weekend, it was awesome.” He winked at me , and my heart leapt in my chest . So apparently I didn’t make a total idiot of myself. Good to know.
    Caleb’s arm came around my shoulders.
    “Hey guys.” Derek plopped down across from us , and Haley’s cheeks turned pink . Even though they’d been dating for awhile, Haley still seemed flustered in his presence. Not that I blamed her. H e was pretty good looking. I mean, nothing compared to Caleb , but still cute.
There was only one boy who was hotter than Caleb at our school.
    As if on cue, Tan ner joined us . He looked like he

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