Shelley the Lifeboat Labrador

Shelley the Lifeboat Labrador by John Periam Page B

Book: Shelley the Lifeboat Labrador by John Periam Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Periam
Tags: Biography, Non-Fiction, dog, animal
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    End Chapter Fourteen
    Life carried on at a hectic pace if I was not working and driving from East to West I was back in Shoreham enjoying life to the full; perhaps sometimes a little too much.  Living at Molly’s was fun and paying her such a low rent gave me more money to spend; however I was not saving and there would be a time when I would have to find a place of my own to purchase.
    My Sales Manager at Kendall, Keith, often got me to one side and tried to talk some sense into me about planning for the future.  He came down once when I was working locally and stayed over for a couple of nights at a local hotel.  Being a family man himself he looked at life a little more optimistically than I did. Perhaps in my case having no family and just myself to think about I was not really looking to the future. On this visit he had a long chat with me and the next day took me into my local Building Society and set the ball rolling for me to get a mortgage.  I was now earning enough and although I had no savings there were one hundred percent mortgages around.  Keith had done his homework and before the day had finished I had been approved for a mortgage. It was now a case of finding a suitable property in Shoreham.
    The Lifeboat was very important to me so I did not want to move too far out of the area and had to have a flat that would accept dogs. Yes! There were people who did not like dogs and I sadly had come across them from time to time.
    I recall once when I was working for a Dutch Medical Company which was perhaps one of the shortest jobs I ever had.  From day one, those that I met were very aggressive and the initial training course over a period of 5 weeks involved me in staying away a lot and going out with other sales team members.  Molly was wonderful and had Shelley all the time. When I took the job I had a feeling I had made a wrong decision.                                                                             
    After the training I picked my new car up and off I went.  The work was not easy and there was a lot of paper work and the Sales Manager was very aggressive.  Every time he came out with me he said my car smelt of dogs and suggested I started to dress a lot smarter.  It was one complaint about my performance after another.  He called around to Molly’s on one occasion to do a spot check on me which frankly I thought was totally out of order.  Shelley greeted him and I heard a yelp to find he had kicked her and was calling her everything.  That was the final straw for me.  I drove my car up to their head office in Surrey and left the keys and a one line letter of resignation.  Thinking I would not hear any more about it I was stunned when I got an invoice for having to clean the interior of my car and for lost samples.  I ignored everything.
    In life one gets ones revenge and it was several years later when I was at a medical exhibition that I saw the Sales Manager walking by our stand.  The heat of the moment took over and I said a few choice words to him unaware at the time that they had one of their Directors over from Holland.  I was working for one of their major competitors.  Later that day the Director concerned came over to me in the bar offering me a drink which I accepted. The next half an hour was sheer bliss for me as I told him what had happened. I am not a vindictive

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