She Waits
happen to that brat. I looked in every direction. I heard nothing, only my own labored breathing.
    "Where did she go, boy?" I asked the horse.
    Moving along slowly, I kept my senses alert for any indication of where she might have gone. Then I saw the brush moving and heard a muffled cry. Maggie's horse bolted through the woods, about fifty feet or so in front of me. I started in that direction, but quickly stopped when I saw Maggie lying on the ground.
    Literally leaping off my horse, I knelt next to her, laid her head on my lap and held her. I looked around, hoping her horse would come back, but it was long gone--probably back at the stable already.
    The woods were silent, too silent. I looked down at Maggie. Her long auburn hair was full of leaves and branches. She looked very much like Medusa. I picked the leaves out of her hair and whispered her name. Finally, she stirred and opened her eyes. She seemed confused and disoriented for a moment as she tried to get up.
    "Easy," I said.
    "What happened?" she asked, clutching my arm and pulling me close. I had no problem with that. I was petrified.
    "I have no idea. Can you get up?"
    "I think so," she said sitting up and rubbing the back of her neck. "I couldn't stop. She reared and I couldn't stop her. I think I hit a tree limb." She still looked a little groggy.
    "Okay, let's see if you can stand," I said.
    As she stood, her legs buckled. I put my arm around her waist to steady her and she stood still for a minute or two with her hands resting on my shoulders, her head against my chest. We stood there for a moment or two longer.
    "Your heart is beating fast there, Miss Ryan," she whispered and looked up into my eyes.
    "You scared the hell out of me, Miss Winfield," I said, hearing my voice tremble. I looked down into her blue eyes. For one ridiculous moment, I thought of kissing her. Good grief, Ryan, she's nearly knocked for a loop, you're scared spitless, and your only thought is... "Look, can you walk? I think we should get the hell out of here."
    We walked to the horse. I had my hand under her elbow to steady her because she was definitely wobbling.
    "Let's get you up on the horse," I said feeling as if the woods themselves were coming alive around us.
    I steadied the horse and helped her up. I was trying not to panic and I felt very vulnerable in these woods.
    Then I got my foot in the stirrup and got on behind her. I put my arms around her waist and held on tight. The last thing we needed was for both of us to fall off. I started in the direction of the house.
    "This is like something out of a movie," she said as she leaned back against me.
    "Yeah, an Abbott and Costello movie," I grunted and kicked the sides of the horse.
    "My head, Kate. I'm sorry I think I'm going to pass out," she whispered.
    "Maggie, stay with me. Are we going in the right direction?" I asked.
    She lifted her head and nodded.
    "Okay, hang in there--we'll be at the house in a few minutes."
    God, please don't let me fall off the back of this stupid horse.
    I rode, slowly, not wanting to jar her. Then, ahead of us, a man on horseback came into view. My horse got a little skittish and I steadied him.
    "What in the world?" He looked at Maggie, clearly shocked. "Young woman, what are you doing?"
    "Her horse reared and bolted. I lost sight of her and I guess he threw her. Who are you?" I asked.
    "I am this woman's uncle, Dr. Nathan Winfield." He brought his horse closer. It was then I noticed the resemblance to Hannah.
    Odd that he would show up at this time. Maggie was coming around but still had her head against my chest. He reached over, checked her eyes and felt her forehead.
    "Okay, let's keep her where she is and get back to the house." He turned and trotted ahead of me, leading the way.

    Hannah was standing on the deck in the back when we came through the clearing. Teri and Mac were standing behind her.
    Nathan jumped off his horse, took Maggie from me, and helped her upstairs.
    "What in the world

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