Shadows of the Keeper

Shadows of the Keeper by Karey Brown Page B

Book: Shadows of the Keeper by Karey Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karey Brown
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great magic, I
would use it all the time.  I would make those mean Lumynari stop burning
villages and I would make my hair longer like yours, and I would make Prince
Aunsgar see me and I would have a horse and I would make animals talk to me but
mostly I would make Prince Aunsgar talk to me and walk with me in front of
every person who says I am ugly and dance with me around the fire but he would
not be allowed to dance with my sister because she says mean things and I do
not want her to hurt Prince Aunsgar’s feelings.”  Maira gulped air. 
    Emily burst out laughing. “And I
thought I was the only one who talked in run-on sentences when nervous.”
    “Nothing.  Long hair forever
tangles in the low branches of your forests, and itches my neck during
summers.  Now,” she smiled down at her new little friend.  “Tell me
about Aunsgar.”
    “He is verra handsome. 
Na’Dryn says he will never marry me because I will never grow taller than a
tree stump.”
    Emily’s borrowed mind squelched
vicious spells that could shrink the troublesome, beautiful, and very loved by
Broc, Na’Dryn into nothing more than a dung heap.  Emily would seriously
like to hold onto that spell.
    “This is only your sixth winter. 
You aren’t finished growing.”
    “Do you think he will be my
    “There is always a chance.”
    “He is tall and his shoulders are
not as big as mi’ da’s, but he has pretty hair.  Da says a man does not
want pretty hair, he wants big shoulders.”
    “Pretty hair?” a silky voice asked.
    Startled, both females inhaled
sharply.  Wide-eyed, Maira stared up at Aunsgar.  The prince grinned
ruefully down at her.  Slipping longbow from his shoulder, he dropped
down, mindless of cold wet snow seeping through the knees of his
leggings.  For her own part, Emily could not stop staring at his
ears.  Definitely Elf.  Yet, the person she piggybacked lacked
    “You wish me for husband?”
    The child nodded, her dark eyes
wide, her cheeks reddening and not from the cold.
    “So be it.”
    “You will have me?”
    “I give my word.”
    “Aunsgar, be careful your jests.”
    “I do not jest.  Her name has
been whispered many times by Sister Wind.”
    Aurelia snorted.  “Troublesome
fickle woman, that one.  Be wary any words she breathes.”
    Aunsgar’s eyes glittered. 
“Ready to reveal her vision to your during our journey here?”
    “I have forgotten it.”  Both
knew she lied.  Aunsgar chose to study the child instead of prying into
his niece’s private thoughts.
    “I will need you a bit taller, for
walking on my knees would be most painful.”  His smile made both their
hearts warm.  “I will wait until you are grown, asking your decision
    Aurelia lovingly caressed the small
girl’s head.  “You will have much to learn, becoming the wife of an Elf, and
marrying Aunsgar will make you a princess.  Much better than the position
your sister now holds.”
    Maira squirmed.  “I have to
tell my kerna!”  Just like the wild maulkins, she hopped and bounded
through the snow towards her mother’s dwelling.  Abruptly, Maira whipped
around and ran back to them.  Shyly, she reached out trembling fingers,
delicately lifting Aunsgar’s white tresses.  “It is soft.  I told my
da’ it would be like feathers he gifts me from raids.  I told him you
would let me brush it while sitting in front of a fire and telling me about
your battles and your hunts and teaching me your pretty words.  I want to
be able to speak your language.  It is much nicer than mine.  My da’
says your hair is like your words and I will long for a real warrior . . . but,
I love you,” she finished in a hurried whisper.  Aunsgar untwined a silver
band from a long thin braid swinging from his temple and wrapped it at the end
of the little girl’s already loosening dark plait.
    “My first gift to you, Princess
Maira,” he whispered, laughing when she threw her arms

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