Shadow Force 1: the Garden Planet

Shadow Force 1: the Garden Planet by J.R. O'Neill Page B

Book: Shadow Force 1: the Garden Planet by J.R. O'Neill Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.R. O'Neill
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asked a little pissed.
    “We are all now officially partners, at least according to Shadow. My first command was to reactivate the personality program with a few modifications.”
    “What modifications?” I asked.
    “Well the first was to make me the mistress of the ship.”
    “Rather a big decision to make on your own. So, do I still have any authority here?” I asked only half-jokingly.
    “A little.” My new found love replied. “Shadow is it possible to isolate the platform we’ve set up with a force field, protecting us while stunning everyone else in the room?”
    Of course I knew that it was possible, still the thought of having to deal with a bunch of prisoners was not to my liking, even as I realized that Sara’s plan was workable.
    “What about the slaves who are undoubtedly being held by the black marketers awaiting sale? We can’t just abandon them.” Max chimed in.
    “Max, we’re in no position to help them.” I stated what I thought was the obvious fact.
    “We can try.” Sara said.
    I was beginning to wonder if my opinions mattered at all. “How?” I finally asked, seeing that they were serious.
    “All we need to know is their location.” Max added.
    “Well, why don’t we just call them up and ask?” I said, as sarcastically as I could.
    “That’s more or less what I had in mind.” Max replied, my sarcasm passing right by him
    “Oh really!” I said. “This I have to see.”
    “You will.” Max responded; then asked me if I could contact Harrod on the com unit.
    “Harrod?” Max said once the connection had been established. “Would it be possible to view any other merchandise currently available? We would like to purchase some replacements.”
    “I’m sure I could arrange something for tomorrow.” Harrod replied.
    “That’s too late; we will be leaving directly after the auction.” I added.
    “The only thing I could arrange in that time frame would be a visit to the black market warehouse. Still those girls have hardly been kept in the same condition as what you already have.”
    “That would be fine.” I injected. “We only want them for one thing, and our tastes are not as sophisticated as yours.”
    “Then I shall arrange it, let’s say at one today.”
    “Fine.” I said. “We’ll meet you at the entrance to the spaceport.”
    “Until then.” Harrod replied, signing off.
    We left the girls to handle setting up the ship to accommodate as many “guests” as possible, and went to meet Harrod.
    “There are twelve slaves available at the moment; yet I cannot vouch for their suitability. I think you may find that your tastes have been altered by your current cargo. I know mine has.” Harrod said as the transport whisked us through the city.
    “We shall see.” I answered, and we did. The warehouse was located in a rundown residential neighborhood on the outskirts of Khomeini City. There were no obvious defenses that I could identify, a fact I mentioned to Harrod.
    “They move the location frequently, that and fear are the primary defense.” He informed us, as we made our way to the door.
    We were met by a huge man, who grunted something unintelligible as he motioned us to follow him. The building had at some time in the past been a high end residence. Although now covered in layers of grime it bore more resemblance to the inside of an ore freighter, than a planet side residence. Our guide led us to the second floor where instead of the individual rooms that I had expected to find, there was instead one large room. Apparently all the partition walls had been removed. These details I remembered later, all my attention at that moment was taken up by the scene before me. Chained at four foot intervals along the back wall were eleven women, totally naked, and severely battered. Those that were conscious stared at us with dull almost lifeless eyes. The twelfth was being raped, bent over a chair as the second man forced himself into her.
    “Not quite what you’re

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