Shadow Billionaire
cultured husband with breeding,
meant seeking them out among their social circle - old money, as
far as Eleanor pertained brought, a lineage of culture, class and
prestige, a privilege new money will never achieve. Conceived as an
innate birthright in their bloodline therefore, to be protected at
all cost.
    Not tainted and
diluted by the up and coming entrepreneurs who didn't have a clue
about breeding, and the responsibilities that came with wealth.
    Eleanor had
been adamant the party being in a style which would appeal more to
the real elite, not the new oil barons with their flashy shindigs
and blatant grinding on the dance floor. New money, lack discipline
and poise.
    She'd invited
every suitor from across the globe who she deemed appropriate. The
prospects of having so many socialite men from worthwhile stock all
in one place had Eleanor tingling. All in the hope of marrying her
daughter. She’d been excited when telling Sasha all her potential
romantic interests would be wearing masks. The wearing of masks her
idea of amative touch, to what she foresaw as a romantic
    How in the
world would Sasha get to know someone if they're wearing a mask?
What's the point of spending time with someone trying to get
acquainted without being face to face?
    These were
Sasha’s feelings and yet, here she was, far too timid to go against
her overbearing mother's ideas. Still had she'd even felt the
slightest bit braver, she would have fought to try to get her
father on her side. Even when the truth of such an attempt would
prove a futile mission, in and of itself. Everyone in the estate
including herself recognized her father, Malcolm Trenton's cop-out
position lies under the thumb of his wife.
    Whenever Sasha
met him with the slightest request, he told her to ask her
    Two maids
yanked Sasha's hair into an elaborate updo, she withheld a yawn. In
truth, she didn't feel like staying up late tonight. She'd been up
for most of the previous night engrossed in a book downloaded on
the echolocation habits of dolphins. Her own phone buzzed in the
pocket of her silk robe, she contorted her neck just enough to
bring into view the new article she'd been anticipating, on the
mating habits of blue whales. Which had been successfully
transferred from her computer.
    What she
wouldn't give to have the time to read the article tonight.
    Sasha’s desire
to embark on higher education had met with skepticism, by her
mother, who felt she was wasting her time. Regardless of how high
up the academic ladder Sasha climbed she was never going to do
anything with her degree. Trenton woman don’t work, their function
to keep house, attend charities, look pretty, and produce
reasons for allowing Sasha to continue in education were two folds.
To stop the young girl from whining, and the fact Eleanor had
decided indulging her daughter's whim couldn't hurt. Equally, by
letting her daughter pursue an interest in something; Eleanor
always forward thinking would one day find a way to use this as an
opportunity for hosting as a charity event. Therefore, Sasha had
been permitted to study whatever she wanted.
    Rather than
choosing something she considered vapid like music or acting, the
young woman had delved into a science degree with marked
enthusiasm. She'd always loved going to the beach. Not like her
mother to tan herself golden, but to dig through tide pools, and
prod dead jellyfish. To marvel at the way the tides ebbed flowed,
and track the many footprints of creatures that dug through and
crawled over the sand. The sea fascinated her.
    Had she'd been
allowed to decide for herself, as soon as Sasha finished with
school, she would've signed on for an internship, and thought about
going on to complete her graduate degree, her mother seemed
horrified at the rattling thought. Sasha grumpily recalled her
mother's reaction, when she'd suggested a six month tour out at sea
to refine her research skills.
Sasha, isn't

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